• A blow to GMO: Federal judge bans genetically-engineered sugar beets

     In a blow to the biotech industry and a victory for food integrity advocates, a U.S. District Judge banned sugar beet farmers from planting genetically-engineered sugar beet seeds next year. Genetically-engineered sugar beets currently make up 95 percent of the crop in the U.S. The judge ruled that due to cross-contamination, the genetically-engineered crops were infringing on farmers’ fundamental right to choose the crop of their choice.

  • Changing the names: Group lobbies FDA to allow high-fructose corn syrup to now be called ‘corn sugar’

    Most people now know about the negative effects of high-fructose corn syrup on health and sales are at a 20-year low. So the Corn Refiners Association applied Tuesday to the FDA to allow use of the name ‘corn sugar’ instead of the tarnished ‘high-fructose corn syrup’.

  • Food Integrity Now – E13 – Ewell Culbertson on Organic Farming and the Importance of Organic
    Ewell Culbertson of Pachamama Organic Farm joins us again for a fascinating show discussing the importance of organic and some of the method used on his farm located near Boulder, CO. Ewell describes the necessary role of microbes in plant biology along with proper soil composition. He illustrate...
  • Food Integrity Now – E12 – Mendy Heaps – Middle School Teacher on a Mission
    The Food Integrity Now team interviewed Mendy Heaps, a Colorado Middle School Teacher who made national headlines when she decided to do something about the poor quality of food being served in the school cafeteria. She started a selling healthy snacks to students from a “fruit cart” and began ur...
  • Food Integrity Now – E11 – David Armstrong, M.Ac, L.Ac.
    Carol, Matt and Susan interviewed David Armstrong, acupuncturist, herbalist, massage therapist and Tai Yi practitioner. David talked about the role food plays in Chinese medicine with emphasis on the correlation of organ health and a balanced diet. Some topics covered: the effects of stress and ...
  • Food Integrity Now – E10 – Asyra Bioenergetic Testing and Mark Duvall
    Susan, Carol and Matt interviewed Mark Duvall, co-owner of Whole in the Wall Herb Shoppe, about Asyra Bioenergetic Testing. Mark discussed the principles and history of homeopathy, a widely used and accepted modality of healing in Europe. He describes how the Asyra machine incorporates aspects of...
  • Food Integrity Now – E09 – Charlotte Gerson – The Gerson Institute
    Matt, Susan and Carol interviewed Charlotte Gerson from the Gerson Institute. The Gerson Institute was founded by Charlotte Gerson (Dr. Max Gerson’s daughter) in 1977. The Gerson Therapy is a safe, natural treatment developed by Dr. Max Gerson in the 1920’s that uses organic foods, juicing, coffe...
  • Food Integrity Now – E08 – The Oil Spill – The Effect on World Health
    We all know about the ongoing disaster caused by the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico. While the experts continue to debate how to plug the leak, not many are talking about the effects of the chemicals released both by the oil and the toxic dispersants being used t...
  • Food Integrity Now – E07 – The Truth About Fluoride
    Once a month in elementary school, the teacher passed out cups of glowing green liquid that tasted like slime and was supposed to be good for our teeth. It was called “swish and spit” and every child was forced to do it unless his/her parents wrote a note. The nasty taste of that vile stuff is bu...
  • Food Integrity Now – E06 – Charlotte Gerson on Alternative Cancer Therapy
    World-renowned alternative cancer therapist Charlotte Gerson of The Gerson Institute joins us on the show to talk about her father, Dr. Max Gerson’s revolutionary work and what she has done to carry the flame.