Dr. Michelle Perro: Children’s Health, the Flexner Report and Homeopathy

This week Food Integrity Now spoke with Dr. Michelle Perro. Dr. Perro is an MD, Homeopath, author, speaker, and an expert in children’s health and wellness.

Dr. Perro is the co-founder and CEO of GMO Science, an organization focused on food as medicine and the regeneration education movement. Recently her organization and Moms Across America initiated testing on Baby Infant Formula for toxic metals. The results were abysmal to say the least. She discussed those results with me and offered some solutions. If you know anyone who is feeding their baby infant formula, this interview is a must for them to hear.

We also discussed the Flexner Report of 1910 which changed the face and practice of medicine. Prior to this time, “natural” medicine was predominantly utilized, including homeopathy. Homeopathy did not really go away at this time, but it certainly went underground until the 1970’s. Dr. Perro offers information about homeopathy and it was fascinating information.

Dr. Perro is well-versed and educated about children’s health and wellness and has worked with many families on changing their diet and lifestyle to create wellness for children and their families. She is the author of “What is Making Our Children Sick,” and has a new book coming out next year about children’s wellness. She also does a podcast called the New MDS (Mothers, Doctors and Scientists) with Zen Honeycutt of Moms Across America and Stephanie Seneff, Senior MIT Scientist. You can learn more about The New MDS here.

Listen to this intriguing and informative interview below. Dr. Perro is a leader in her field and is always relevant, interesting and informative. Please share with others who have children or grandchildren and leave us a comment.

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