Robyn O’Brien: Seeding Innovation

There are a people in this world that really get what it is to be human and humane, Robyn O’Brien is one of them. I spoke with O’Brien recently to discuss her latest book, Seeding Innovation, The Path to Profit and Purpose in the 21st Century. When I received the book, I had no idea what it was going to be about but I knew it would be something great. I was not disappointed! It is excellent!

I first met her in 2011 when I interviewed her about her first book, The Unhealthy Truth, How Our Food is Making Us Sick and What We Can Do About It. This was shortly after her TEDex Talk which was so moving and innovative for the times. She was a pioneer in this uncharted territory and her message about what was happening in our food supply was powerful. Few people were really talking about it early on and she helped lead the way for many more of us to speak up even when it feels hard or scary. It takes courage and that is an attribute that she talks about in her book and how she lives her life.

O’Brien is also an Executive Producer of the award winning documentary, Common Ground, an adjunct professor at Rice University, co-founder of the Women Transforming Food and Finance Conference, and the mother of four incredible adult children.

O’Brien is offering that the first three people that sign up for her newsletter will get a free, signed copy of the book. You can also purchase her book on Amazon here.

In our discussion, we talk about some of the concepts that could inhibit you in creating a business in the 21st century or creating anything. Some of those concepts are Paradigm Blindness, Scarcity, Imposter Syndrome, Not Enoughness, Rejection and Fear. O’Brien also shared about how to handle curve-balls, which will always happen in life! In the book she also writes about how you are your own balance sheet and the importance of investing in yourself, emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually. We share the believe that it is important to work on yourself, the whole self, as part of having a successful balance sheet that is sustainable. This is important stuff and essential! in creating a business that thrives. Watch the youtube below or click on the podcast link at the bottom of the page.

Robyn O’Brien and Carol Grieve’

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