• New Study: Organic Farming Lessens Reliance on Pesticides and Promotes Public Health
    I spoke with Dr. Charles Benbrook about his recent peer-reviewed study published In Agronomy entitled Organic Farming Lessens Reliance on Pesticides and Promotes Public Heath by Lowering Dietary Risks which provides comparisons of pesticide use of organic farms compared to nearby conventional far...
  • Shining Light on the DARK Act
    In July this year, the U.S. House of Representatives passed HR 1599, a bill we call the DARK Act (Denying American’s the Right to Know) because it would deny voters the right to pass state bills to label genetically engineered foods (GMOs) and make mandatory labeling at the federal level impossib...
  • Feed the World: Ban Glyphosate: Take the Test
    On March 20, 2015, the World Health Organization’s cancer agency IARC declared that glyphosate is a probable human carcinogen. IARC reached its decision based on the review of 17 top cancer experts from 11 countries, who met to assess the carcinogenicity of 5 pesticides.This, as well as many othe...

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