Urgent Request Now: Stop the Poison-Pushers
We need all hands on deck! Please read and take action on this important issue to stop the poison-pushers from having immunity and taking away our rights! The EPA needs to hear from all of you now.

Sign the Petition here:
The 11 State Attorneys General that petitioned the EPA to change pesticide labeling regulations to protect the pesticides industry. To share this action on Facebook, click HERE. To share in Instagram, click HERE.
Dear Friend,
We only have 2 more days to stop Bayer-Monsanto at the EPA!
Please sign the petition today urging the EPA to reject the 11 State Attorneys General petition. If Bayer-Monsanto gets its way, all Americans will lose our right to sue Bayer if we get cancer from Roundup weedkiller or any other toxic pesticides the corporation makes. And the paraquat lawsuits are mounting. Chem-China/Syngenta would be given immunity for all the cases of Parkinson’s disease caused by its paraquat herbicide.
If you know anyone else that cares about this issue, please share with them. We need thousands more to raise their voices so the EPA hears us loud and clear. Forward this email (the original action, with background information, is below) or share this link: tinyurl.com/11StateAGs
The public comment deadline to the EPA is Thursday, February 20, at 11:59PM Eastern Time. Please don’t delay!
Together we can stop this madness. Thank you for sharing.
The GMO/Toxin Free USA Team

The Bayer-Monsanto Protection Act on Steroids Has Landed at the EPA. Only You Can Stop It.
RED ALERT! Bayer-Monsanto is back with an assault on our rights as Americans. We must stop them and their allies.
Bayer has instructed Attorneys General from 11 states to shield the corporation from lawsuits by people who have been harmed by its pesticides. State AGs from Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Carolina, and South Dakota are complying with Bayer’s wishes.
This is part of a multi-pronged attack, in concert with certain state legislators, to take away our legal right to sue Bayer, or any other pesticide corporation, if we get sick from exposure to its toxic chemicals.
On January 21, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) accepted a petition from the AGs of the 11 states, requesting that the Agency initiate rulemaking to amend existing pesticide regulations “such that any state labeling requirements inconsistent with EPA’s findings and conclusions from its human health risk assessment on human health effects, such as a pesticide’s likelihood to cause cancer, birth defects, or reproductive harm, constitute misbranding.”
In other words, the 11 state AGs want to outlaw any state from forcing pesticide manufacturers to correctly label their products as carcinogenic, or the cause of other health harms, when the EPA does not recognize those harms.
For instance, the EPA relies only on secret, industry-funded studies and does not consider Roundup weedkiller a carcinogen despite the peer-reviewed science showing Roundup and its primary ingredient, glyphosate, is a human carcinogen. There are hundreds of studies proving that Roundup can not only cause cancer, but is linked to a myriad of other diseases. International health agencies and toxicologists around the world agree with the science. But the EPA ignores independent peer-reviewed science and continues to protect the poison pushers’ profits instead of public health.
Bayer, since acquiring Monsanto, has been hit with over 170,000 lawsuits alleging that Roundup caused plaintiffs’ non-Hodgkins lymphoma, a type of cancer. The plaintiffs are farmers, landscapers, gardeners, and others. The science is solidly on the plaintiffs’ side, so Bayer has lost many trials so far, with juries awarding billions of dollars to the victims harmed by the corporation’s herbicide.
These lawsuits have been based on the legal argument of “failure to warn.” This means users of Roundup got cancer because they were not made aware that the product can cause cancer. If they were aware that the weedkiller could cause cancer, and was not as “safe as table salt” as Bayer claims, they may have chosen to not use Roundup in the first place.
Bayer-Monsanto is now worth only a small fraction of the $66 billion the company paid for Monsanto and the ongoing lawsuits threaten to collapse the company. So Bayer is demanding their politician puppets give them immunity.
If the EPA bows to Bayer and the state AGs’ demands, individuals would lose their right to sue Bayer for harms from its pesticides.
This amendment to pesticide regulations wouldn’t just offer a layer of protection for Bayer-Monsanto, it would protect the entire pesticide industry.
Currently, ChemChina-Syngenta is also facing over 5,800 lawsuits alleging that its paraquat herbicide caused plaintiffs’ Parkinson’s disease and that the product’s pesticide label failed to warn. These lawsuits would also be thrown out.
We CANNOT allow Bayer-Monsanto and the GMO/pesticide industry puppets in our government to re-write public health regulations in their favor. We cannot allow them to take away one of the only legal tools for people harmed by pesticides to pursue justice.
The EPA is required by law to notify the public of any new rulemaking. But the Agency did not, giving us little time to respond.
The public comment deadline closes soon. We’ve made it quick and easy to submit your comment. It would be helpful if you could take a minute to edit the pre-written comment text to make it your own. If you’re short on time, send it as-is. Please submit your comment today. Then share with everyone you know. It takes a village to stop Bayer-Monsanto.
Food Integrity Now thanks you for your taking action NOW! We can do this!