US Judge Orders EPA to Address Risk of Fluoride

A US federal judge in California on Sept. 25 ordered the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to strengthen its rules around fluoride in drinking water, writing that the compound could pose a risk to children’s intellectual development. What is the risk of fluoride?

We have known for years about the risk of fluoride which is in so many things besides about 66% of our water supply. A trip to most dentists even just to have your teeth cleaned may result in a high dose of fluoride which has absolutely zero use for our teeth or oral health. We now know that fluoride is a neurotoxin and has been linked to lower IQ’s in children. Let’s hear what the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT) has to say about fluoride.

IAOMT Fact-Checking Fluoride

Let’s dive in a little deeper and take a look at the history of fluoride. As usual, if we follow the money, we find the answer.

History of Fluoride

To really look at the history of fluoride, we have to go back to the 1800’s. In the second half of the 1800’s, Sir Francis Galton is credited with being the father of eugenics. His theory was that only smart and healthy people should mate and reproduce with others like himself. At that time, his views were treated as a scientific curiosity. Galton was a cousin of Charles Darwin, so Darwin’s influence was pretty easily linked to Galton’s ideas.

After 1900, The Carnegie Institute, the Harriman Railway fortune and the Rockefeller Foundation officially recognized this area of medical specialty and funded its study at Stanford University–and by 1909 the Eugenics program had sterilized about 60,000 Americans. The program denied the marriage of thousands and forcibly segregated many to live in colonies where they were controlled in encampments. In those days, California was considered the epicenter of the eugenics movement. Again, the eugenics movement is really culling the less healthy and the less fortunate from the herd so that only perfect specimens of the human race go forward. And their idea of perfect was held to a Nordic stereotype that was later adopted by Hitler. It was people who were afflicted with diseases that were considered a burden on society.

The Rockefeller Foundation recognized the advances the Germans were making in the area of medical research. So, the Foundation created and directed an Institute for Psychiatry and an Institute for Anthropology, Eugenics and Human Heredity. Both of these were in Germany.  Along came WWII and Hitler, and they adopted these principals of the eugenics programs to justify the treatment of the Jews. When Hitler took over Germany, the Rockefeller Eugenics Federation in Germany became a Department under the Nazi State. Hitler appointed SS Chief Heinrich Himmler to oversee all research being done at the Racial Hygiene Society.

The Nazi’s had been experimenting with all kinds of chemicals to suppress the human brain and one of those was sodium fluoride. Soon after Hitler came into power, they started putting sodium fluoride into the drinking water in the German ghettos and thereafter the water of Jewish encampments of the prisoner of war camps. So, when the encampments were essentially liberated, allied soldiers found many prisoners wandering around in states of mental delirium. The high fluoride concentrations in the water had done its damage to specific parts of their brains.

After the war, an American Government organization called Operation Paperclip took place, where thousands of top Nazi scientists who were in the mind control business were assisted by the CIA. They were given new passports and backgrounds, and they were employed in Europe in the early days of the space program. Others with covert financial help started what now are be some of the largest chemical pharmaceutical companies in the world. Today these would be known as Big Pharma and they include Lilly, Roche, Pfizer, Bayer, and many others.

After WWII, the United States sent Charlie Elliot Perkins, a researcher in chemistry, to take charge of rebuilding chemical plants in Germany. In 1954, he wrote a letter to the Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research that said “The German scientist chemists worked out a very ingenious and far-reaching plan of mass control that was submitted to and adopted by the German general’s staff. This plan was to control the population in any given area through mass medication of drinking water supplies. In this scheme of mass control, sodium fluoride occupied a prominent place. However, and I want to make this very definite, the real reason behind water fluoridation is not to benefit children’s teeth. The real purpose behind water fluoridation is to reduce the resistance of the masses to domination, control, and loss of liberty. Repeated doses of infinitesimal amounts of fluoride in time gradually reduced the individual’s power to resist domination by slowly poisoning and narcotizing an area of the brain tissue and make him submissive to the will of those who wish to govern him. I was told of this entire scheme by a German chemist who is an official of the Great Farben Chemical industries and was a prominent member of the Nazi movement at the time. I say this with all earnestness and sincerity as a scientist who has spent nearly 20 years researching the chemistry, biochemistry, physiology and pathology of fluorine. Any person who drinks our fluoridated water for a period of over one or more years will never again be the same person mentally or physically.”  The cat was out of the bag in the 40’s!

This begs the question; how did it progress from there and get into our water supply and dentistry. How was it orchestrated?

Fluoridation in the United States was accepted under the directive of Public Health Services boss, Oscar Ewing who was appointed by President Truman. This was after the war, but he was actually put into this position by the Rockefeller syndicate to promote fluoridation as the factor in the eugenics program. Ewing was appointed at the same time to head the Federal Security Agency, The US Public Health Service, the Social Security Administration, as well as the Office of Education. So, he was the main Director of these four administrations. He was also a Wall Street Attorney and a counsel to the Alcoa Aluminum Company. Keep in mind that fluoride is a toxic waste product for the manufacturing process of aluminum and the fertilizer industry. So, follow the money!

Ewing was awarded $750,000 by fluoride producer, Alcoa. Even back then, the graft was just like it is today. Next, he demanded, because of his position, that Congress appropriate $2.5 million for a campaign to promote fluoride to the American public.

Is there any basis for fluoride being good for teeth? Ewing hired Edgar Bernays, the man advertising as the Father of Public Relations and the original Spin Doctors. Bernays was a God figure in the world of advertising and Bernays was also the nephew of Sigmond Freud. Before Bernays, fluoride was recognized as a bug in rat poisoning. Afterwards it was widely hailed as something for healthy teeth and great smiles. He really enrolled the AMA (American Medical Association), the American Dental Association and others and pumped out all the advertising to the public and to dentists. At that time, people were not questionable of opinion leaders per se—so everyone would follow the doctors’ orders because the doctors were somewhat treated as God figures. So, for the most part they were never questioned—but the doctors were only following orders by opinion leaders above them.

The fluoride was put into the water at a time it could be used as a tool. Right after WWII, the country was energized with go-getters, people who would see that they could make a difference in the world. They were ready to take on anything! With the introduction of this chemical, the government realized that they could keep people suppressed and somewhat controllable and docile and fluoride contributes to a whole host of different diseases. It is not the cause of the disease, but it opens up the door for those diseases to manifest through different genetic markers.

We are just finding out more and more about how we have been or are being controlled. I know some of these revelations are hard to believe until you take a deep dive and start looking at the history. This is where we have been and how did we get here? There is a tremendous amount of evidence supporting all this information here.  Knowledge is power and I believe it is very important to do research on your own and decide for yourself on how you want to live your life.

Please also listen to Food Integrity Now’s interview with Alan Drobnak, researcher on the History of Fluoride here.

Back to the Court’s Ruling

In an 80-page ruling, U.S. District Judge Edward Chen in San Francisco noted that while it is not certain that the amount of fluoride that is typically added to drinking water can lower the IQ in children, he concluded that new research suggests that it might pose such a risk.

While fluoride can come from a number of sources, drinking water is the primary source of the compound for Americans, researchers say. About two-thirds of the U.S. population has fluoridated drinking water, according to data provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

This ruling by the courts may compel many to take a look at the many lies we have been fed over the years and to question those who do not have human health as their motive—to question those that want to profit from illness and disease.

For years, I have been avoiding fluoride by using filters in my home, buying non-fluoridated toothpaste and dental products, and making sure that no fluoride is used in my mouth during visits to my dentist. The choice is always yours as to what you want to do in regard to fluoride. Remember that knowledge is power! Thanks for being here and sharing this information.

Fluoride also can affect the pineal gland which interferes with empathy and intuition! That is a huge problem!

Again thank you for being here and sharing this information. Please check out our health store for some of your health needs. I highly recommend this product to get the fluoride and other toxic chemicals out of your water. There are countertop units, commercial units or under-the-sink units. I love mine! Learn more here.


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