A Powerful Healing Journey
We live in a toxic world, there is no question about that! This is not a time to be passive about our health. Creating a healthy body, mind and spirit takes more work now than ever before and I think we can all agree on this. I recently shared a short video about my healing journey with two very invasive and resistant bacterias that I came into contact with while traveling. I would like to share more about my healing journey in hopes that I can assist others. I am in no way offering medical advice to anyone in writing this article. I am sharing what worked for me and we are all different. This is a very personal story and involves healing a physical issue and the associated emotional issue that was part of my healing journey.
After traveling to Mexico for a short vacation, I contracted Giardia and E-Coli from who knows where? It didn’t manifest right away which often happens but within 2-3 weeks, I became very ill. We are all well aware of the term Montezuma’s Revenge. Well to say I had this is really an understatement. It was somewhat difficult to diagnose as I only had a few of the symptoms–no fever or cramping. Needless to say, I could not keep any food in my body and was visiting the bathroom, up to 10-15 times a day. Not fun!
When I finally saw my naturopath and she diagnosed the issue, I had already lost about 10 pounds and was deeply concerned. She put me on a protocol for a parasite cleanse immediately. I was hopeful this would help. I was on this protocal for almost 30 days and it was not working. I was losing more weight and the symptoms did not subside.
Now, there is more to this story. When we have an imbalance in our body, there is always an emotional issue that needs our attention. In working with my guides, an amazing clairvoyant, deep meditation, and using my intuition, I discovered what the emotional issue was. Everything is energy and that unresolved issue was centered in my intestines. So now I knew I not only had to heal the physical issue but also the emotional issue. I got to work!

Since the parasite protocol was not working, I tried using antibiotics, which I hardly ever resort to using. They did not work! So here I am about 4 months into having the symptoms, losing 15 pounds which I could not really afford to lose, finding it even difficult to talk as it took too much energy, and I knew my muscle mass was declining rapidly.
During these four months, I knew one of the biggest issues was for me to stay as hydrated as possible. I knew how to do this by adding salt, baking soda, and lemon to my water and sipping it all day long. Do your own research on this formula! I also was using SKINsips to keep my energy up and that really helped and amazingly kept my skin looking good! I knew I needed more electrolytes and amino acids so I starting getting hydration IV’s at a facility near me that offers IV’s. I was keeping myself hydrated and alive while working on healing my physical and emotional bodies. I knew I had my own answers and that I could heal this and I never gave up on this knowingness. That didn’t mean I would not seek assistance, I did, but only from ones I trusted.
Our medical system has failed us in many ways and I knew I was not going to go to the hospital. I had to find the answers outside of our current sickcare system.
Then one morning I woke up and the word “Biocidin” came into my mind. I had been somewhat familiar with the Biocidin protocol and products but really hadn’t thought about them in a few years. These products are also used for issues like SIBO, Lyme Disease and other microbiome and immune system issues. I got online and got up to speed on their products and protocols. They are herbal and I felt like I had nothing to lose–so I started their Bioclear Program. I knew I had to start out very slowly as Biocidin is a strong product. What happened next felt like a miracle to me!
Two days after starting the Bioclear protocol, I was getting better. About 5-6 days into the protocal I was having bacterial die-off or herxheimers reaction. I was familiar with die-off as 20 years ago I had Lyme Disease, which I have healed! This was such great news for me! The “die-off” meant that I was killing off the invasive bacteria and the endotoxins were getting into my blood stream to be released. When this happens you can feel worse before you get better. For me, this felt somewhat like a flu. I had pain in my neck and down my spine and felt achy and very low energy. I was excited about this die-off and I knew this protocol was actually working! One of the products in the protocol is called GI Detox and this helped me with the die-off symptons so I only experience them for a few days. By week two, the die-off symptoms were gone!

I have now completed the 30-day protocal, my intestines are healed, I have gained back 5-6 pounds. I am feeling great and so grateful to be alive and well. By the way, food tastes amazing to me now! There were actually days going through this process that I thought I might die, but I did not! The amount of gratitude I have now for living and feeling good has increased greatly. I am proud of myself for working on the deep emotional issue and trusting that I could find my own answers. I am also extremely grateful for everyone who assisted me in this process!
I am so grateful for the learning and healing I accomplished and I now see what I went through as a gift. I learned so much during this healing journey and am excited about assisting others. I am sharing this personal story in hopes that it may help others on their healing journey. I more deeply understand the power of gratitude and tenacity. I believe we are all so powerful and I hope sharing my story helps you!
Thanks for being here and for supporting Food Integrity Now. Check out the Health Store for some of the best products to assist you on your journey! If you need assistance, I am here. Be well, Carol