Beyond BPA: Is There Any Safe Plastic?

 Did you know that under U.S. law, chemicals are presumed safe until proven otherwise, and companies are rarely required to collect or disclose chemical safety data?  Food Integrity Now spoke with Mariah Blake, a reporter for Mother Jones’ Washington, D.C. office, about her recent article in their March/April issue. Blake’s article entitled “Are Any Plastics Safe, inside the Big Tobacco campaign to bury the disturbing evidence about the products we use everyday” may actually be life changing for you and forever change the way you look at plastic. The article is currently out in print and should be available on the internet in about a week at Mother Jones.

Many of us have heard about BPA and have moved on to BPA-Free products. What if, the chemicals being used in your BPA-Free product are more dangerous to human health than Bisphenol A (BPA). What if the scientific evidence overwhelmingly shows that almost all commercial plastics, when tested,  leach synthetic estrogen–even when they were not exposed to conditions  known to unlock potentially harmful ingredients. The health risks of these chemicals has been linked to cancer, diabetes, obesity, liver problems, infertility, low sperm count, genital deformity, heart disease and more. What if the only plastic product on the market, Tritan, which advertises itself as having no harmful estrogenic activity, is more harmful to human health than BPA?

 In 2005, two scientists did a literature review and they looked at government-funded research of  the NIH (National Health Institute) and 95% of the NIH-funded research found dramatic effects to human health in low doses of BPA. However, the industry-funded ones found zero effect on human health. Why is this information being suppressed? What if the scientific evidence has been squelched by a $375 Billion a year plastic industry? 

Is there any safe plastic? The evidence seems to conclude there is not. Blake’s comprehensive and well-researched article discusses the toxic shell game that these corporations are playing and how they manipulate the evidence. The plastic industry, much like the tobacco industry, seems to be using very similar tactics to create doubt in the minds of consumers as to the safety of their products. Blake calls is a scientific misinformation campaign. These plastic corporations have created industry studies that can be manipulated to their desired outcomes. What do they stand to lose if the word gets out? Approximately $1 Billion dollars a day! Think they have a vested interest in our not discovering the truth? Are we their human guinea pigs? Sound familiar?

Listen to this highly informative interview with Mariah Blake and you may be heading to the store to purchase your glass water bottle and storage containers in the very near future. Click on the link below for details!

 This show is brought to you by Truvani Turmeric, which is organic, non-gmo, glyphosate-residue free and heavy metal free. Check it out here:

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  1. If this is the case, hold your government accountable for the medical bills of the voters if they can prove it in a court of law. Your government is your civil parent and must protect you against all health risks.

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