Drugging the Planet: Doggie Prozac and Female Viagra

What? You’re not on drugs? Big Pharma is doing their best to change that. In its ever present bid to have every man, woman, child (and now dog) hooked on their wares, the US pharmaceutical industry continues to create new ‘syndromes’ while simultaneously claiming to possess the miracle cure. A miracle cure that requires taking their pill for the rest of your life, that is. Their latest tactic is to convince women they need Viagra and dope up your dog on anti-depressants.

In a scathing expose, RT news shines light on a case of industry greed gone out of control. Big Pharma’s strategy of creating new syndromes, combined with slick marketing and paid off doctors, has created a cash cow which has resulted in record profits and growth.

The industry is also charged with engaging in illegal practices in which companies are marketing drugs for purposes they are not approved for. Drug giant Pfizer was charged with hiring doctors to spread hype about their drug and encourage other doctors to prescribe it for purposes that it was not approved for.

The problem is that the risks pale in comparison to the reward. Dr. Sidney Wolfe, President of the Public Citizen’s Health Research Group states that “Unless people go to jail, unless the fines are much larger than they have been, the companies will find that it is cheaper to cheat.”


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