Eating on the Wild Side, The Missing Link to Optimum Health

 Hippocrates said “Let food be thy medicine and let thy medicine be thy food.” Jo Robinson may just have written the prescription for having good health. Would you like to know which apple gives you the most protection against disease?Did you know that beets have nine times more nutrition than the typical tomato and fifty times more nutrition than an orange carrot? What if tearing romaine lettuce the day before you eat it can double its antioxidant content.

Eating on the Wild Side is an engaging blend of science and history. It is the first book to reveal the nutritional history of fruits and vegetables. Ever since we invented agriculture ten thousand years ago, we have mainly been selecting fruits and vegetables that are high in sugar and starch. We have literally bred out many of the wild fruits and vegetables that were high in antioxidants and phytonutrients. As a result, there is a dramatic difference between the wild plants of our original diet and the man-made varieties. In her book, Robinson draws on cutting edge research as to each plants’ origin and when and how we stripped away its nutrients. She explains that the book is not about going out and foraging for wild fruits and vegetables, it is about selecting present-day varieties that are nutrient dense. She has discovered that dozens of these nutritional jewels can be found right in our grocery stores. For real “foodies”, they can also be found in our farmers’ markets and seed catalogs.

 Each chapter of Eating on the Wild Side is devoted to a different fruit or vegetable, delving into its nutritional history and providing in-depth information on how to retain or even enhance its nutrition.  She outlines the most nutritional varieties of each fruit or vegetable, how to shop for it, cook it, and store it. It is a practical resource book that is well written with great stories and wonderful information on nutrition and how certain varieties can help us fight disease.

If you care about the food you eat and want to learn how to get the most nutrition from your food, this is a must listen to show and a must read book. Click on the link below to learn more and click on the picture on the right to purchase Eating on the Wild Side under Books We Like.


Show Notes:
Eat Wild

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