Food Integrity Now – 10 Years of Food and Health Education
Almost 10 years ago, a couple of friends and I had an idea! Let’s do a internet talk radio show about what is happening in our food supply. We started with live talk radio and eventually went to doing podcasts and articles. It evolved over the years, but the message never changed. We wanted to educate the world about what is happening with our global food supply. We also felt it was important to educate on how to stay healthy in a world that has become very toxic. What we created is 10 years of health and education with some of the very best experts on health and wellness in the world. For this, we are proud!

We have done nearly 200 interviews and articles that can assist you with almost any health issue you have. If you do a search on the blog you will find related articles and interviews on nearly any health topic, learn about GMOs and toxic chemicals in our food, and stay informed about current news relating to health and wellness. Food Integrity Now is a virtual library on health and food education all in one place.

We want to thank you for supporting us over the last 10 years through listening to the shows, reading the articles, donating and purchasing products from our health store. I personally would like to ask you to continue that support by either going to our health store and purchasing any of the products that we represent. We only support high integrity products that we believe in. One of most recent products that we are supporting is Biocidin. These products are a must have to navigate through all the daily toxins we are being bombarded with. Learn more about Biocidin in our interview with Dr. Fresco here. How about some SmartVine wine for the holidays. This wine won’t unwind your health as it is non-GMO, certified glyphosate-residue free, organic, low in sugar, Keto friendly, Vegan and zero chemicals. By supporting our health store, you help Food Integrity Now grow and maintain the high level of education that we offer. Also, if you are not a subscriber, please join us here:
If you need assistance with any health issue, I can help. I am a certified holistic nutritionist and a life coach. For details, email me at I offer a free consultation and phone, Skype and Zoom sessions are available. I would be honored to assist you!
You can also donate to Food Integrity Now which goes directly to operations in keeping the site up and running.

Food Integrity Now will continue to bring you the most up to date information on health and wellness issues. We need all hands on deck to get this message out to the masses and we appreciate you and your support. Please share Food Integrity Now with your friends!

Have a wonderful and healthy holiday season! Enjoy your friends and family, share with those who have less, be kind to those who disagree with you, and share your gifts with the world. The world needs you now!

With Love & Appreciation, Carol Grieve’, Founder, Food Integrity Now!
Great job Carol. It’s so important that the word gets out on our food system. You are empowering so many with foodintegretynow.