Joel Salatin on “Polyfaces”, GMO Labeling and Taking Responsibility for our Food

Photo credit Robinson Imagery

Joel Salatin calls himself the lunatic farmer and has always been a maverick in his beliefs and movements regarding sustainable agriculture. Many remember Salatin as the innovative farmer from the award-winning film, Food, Inc.

Today, Salatin spoke with us about a new documentary being created by Regrarians LTD called “Polyfaces.” The film, which has been in the making for two years and is filmed at the Salatin family’s Polyface Farm in Virginia. Polyface Farm has been toted as one of the most sustainable and innovative farms in the country that services more than 5,000 families, 10 retail outlets, and 50 restaurants through on-farm sales and metropolitan buying clubs. Salatin shared his excitement because of the filmmakers’, Darren Doherty and Lisa Heenan, passion and eclectic understanding of permaculture, bio-diversity, and farm and land remediation. Salatin is hopeful that “Polyfaces” will be released sometime in 2014.

Salatin’s candid thoughts on the GMO labeling issue may surprise you. He clearly is not a proponent of GMOs but has a different take on their labeling. He talked about the labeling issue from the standpoint of a direct market farmer. He stated “you cannot imagine the hassle and harassment that labeling laws are.”  He views all government manipulation of the market place, which he says labeling is, as stifling innovation. Salatin shared further why he doesn’t feel labeling GMOs is the answer. His views are interesting and could leave you with a slightly different perspective regarding this issue.

 Salatin shared steps we can all take to further care for the earth and our health, including backyard gardens and cooking. He offers some down-to-earth advise for individuals and families who want to make changes in their lifestyle. He is matter of fact, articulate and humorous in his views and is adamant that each of us needs to claim our own personal power. As always, Salatin is clear and passionate about farming and creating a better world. To listen, click on the link below:

Show notes:

Polyface Farms
Polyfaces,The Documentary

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  1. to the Polyface website page with a satellite view of the farm on Google Maps. This may be of interest to those who would like to look at the permaculture structures(swales, ponds, tree lines, etc.) which Salatin has built into the landscape on his farm. You can zoom in to different areas although the resolution could be better. To learn more about these permaculture structures and their uses, refer to my Global Gardener (Video Library) post in the “Related posts” section.

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