• US Judge Orders EPA to Address Risk of Fluoride
    A US federal judge in California on Sept. 25 ordered the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to strengthen its rules around fluoride in drinking water, writing that the compound could pose a risk to children’s intellectual development. What is the risk of fluoride?We have known for years about ...
  • William Engdahl on GMOs: The Lies and Long History of the Poisoning of Humanity
    How have we gotten to where we are now with 85% of all of our food in our mainstream grocery stores genetically modified? This just didn’t happen over night, it was well planned. Food Integrity Now spoke with F. William Engdahl, a researcher, economist, analyst, columnist and author. He has...
  • Alan Drobnak Discusses the Truth About Fluoride – E56

     Alan Drobnak left the marketing research world after 25 years to dedicate his time and efforts to assisting others to “wake up” during this time of planetary change and shifting consciousness. He is considered one of the leading experts on Fluoride. Drobnak discusses the history of Fluoride and how it was used in Nazi Germany, it’s evolution to the United States and its ultimate Federally mandated use in our drinking waters.  

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