Matt Powers: Regenerative SoilToday I spoke with Matt Powers. Matt is an author, educator, seed saver, gardener, and entrepreneur focused on radically transforming the entire K-12 education system through the collegiate system as well as the economy such that it aligns with regenerative science, natural principles, and perma...
Regulating GMOs Fails AgainOn Saturday, May 16, we received word from the USDA about a ruling on the regulating of GMOs. Unfortunately, regulating of GMOs fails again. This ruling is beyond insane and allows GMO makers to profit even more by the poisoning of our food, water and planet. One of the points in this ruling actu...
Dr. Vandana Shiva: Taking Back Our Seeds, Food and Our DemocracyDr. Vandana Shiva, scientist, philosopher, author, environmentalist, activist and feminist who supports the movement for peace, sustainability and social justice spoke with Food Integrity Now this week. Dr. Shiva, who is trained as a physicist and also studied quantum theory, was inspired by Gand...