• Dementia, the Epidemic
    In March of 2024, I interviewed Dr. Dale Bredesen, one of the leading authorities on prevention and refersal of Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive decline. We discussed why diet is so important in prevention and that includes eating a whole food, nutrient dense, organic diet. We also discuss...
  • Big Ag Wants the Same Immunity As Vaccine Companies
    Bayer/Monsanto, Syngenta/ChemChina, and Dow/Dupont are Brainwashing our Senators to Present Bills to Prevent Cancer Lawsuits Against AgroChemical Companies.Big Ag wants immunity from lawsuits. The rights of individuals, localities, and states to be able to sue agrochemical companies is critically...
  • Danger in the Dough: Unveiling the Toxic Contaminants in Girl Scout Cookies
    Happy New Year! It is a new era and it’s time to hold companies accountable for their toxic ingredients being marketed in ways that many consumers may not be aware of–but should be! The following groups are unveiling the toxic contaminants in Girl Scout Cookies. Food Integrity Now ap...
  • Brief Exposure to Glyphosate Can Cause Lasting Damage to the Brain – New Study
    Folks, we have been talking about the dangers of glyphosate, the most widely used weed killer in the world, for decades. The FDA and EPA have virtually ignored our requests to ban the use of glyphosate, or at the very least to disallow its use as a desiccant (drying agent). There is an overwhelmi...
  • Victory! Federal Court Strikes Down Lax GMO Rules, Halts GE Crop Introductions Without USDA Oversight
    We are so excited excited about this great news. The Center For Food Safety brings us this great news. We are grateful for all their work! Now, if the new regime can clean up the USDA, then this victory to halt GE crop introductions without USDA Oversight, will mean so much for cleaning up our fo...
  • A Powerful Healing Journey
    We live in a toxic world, there is no question about that! This is not a time to be passive about our health. Creating a healthy body, mind and spirit takes more work now than ever before and I think we can all agree on this. I recently shared a short video about my healing journey with two very ...
  • Got Clean Air and Water? It’s Essential!
    Food Integrity Now spoke with Helen Cristoni, health and wellness advisor and VP at Ideal Living, a concious company that offers the very best in wellness tech for clean air and water. Many of us know the importance of drinking clean water, but you may not know how important it is to be breathing...
  • Is the Lab-Grown Meat Revolution Over?
    Food Integrity Now has written several articles about the dangers of lab-grown meat. Those behind the lab-grown meat revolution, as they put it, claim it will decrease climate change and that it is healther than real meat. To put it bluntly, these are lies! Their claims are deceptive marketing to...
  • Artificial Food Dyes: Boycott Kelloggs
    At Food Integrity Now we are tired of so many of the corporations putting our children at risk and their blatant disregard for our health and the health of our children. This time, it is artificial food dyes, and Kelloggs is the culprit! I know that most of you do not eat sugary processed cereals...
  • Are You Prepared?
    If there was an emergency tomorrow, would you be prepared? Are you prepared for the unexpected like a power outage or a natural disaster? It is estimated that 71% of Americans would not be prepared and 48% have no emergency supplies. While many natural disasters are not catastrophic, they can...

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