GLP-1 Agonists (Like Ozempic)- How They Work and How To Lose Weight Without Them

Food Integrity Now invites you to read this very informative article by Mary Chantler about how to lose weight without taking drugs, like Ozempic. Thank you Mary for this great information!

If you live in the US, chances are you have heard about Ozempic, Wegovy or other current weight-loss medications that are known as “anoretics” or appetite suppressants. Many celebrities are taking them currently and they are the secret behind Oprah Winfrey’s new slimmer physique. They are expensive, but surprisingly easy to get a prescription for. 

We will go over the risks of these drugs and why they can occur, the ways in which you can stimulate these satiety hormones in your body naturally, and what you can do to avoid some of the risks if you are already taking these drugs. 

The main reason that I decided to write an article about Ozempic and other GLP-1 Agonist type drugs is because these companies are targeting our children. I think this is something that needs to be addressed, especially around solutions. There is an article that precedes this one, that explains a bigger picture of why 74% of us are obese and overweight, and who is profiting from this epidemic. There are many systems in place that enable this epidemic to exist and persist.

Congress Bill HR4818 (The Treat and Reduce Obesity Act) is pushing to make Medicaid cover GLP-1 Agonists like Ozempic for obesity, classifying it as a disease which needs immediate attention. These drugs are covered for diabetic treatment already, but drug companies want to capitalize on its uses for weight-loss, and there is a lot to be aware of when entertaining this option. This will put the financial burden on taxpayers to provide this super expensive band-aid solution which does not address root causes of the actual condition (Remember that 74% of people in the U.S. can qualify to receive these drugs, which means an estimated 3 Trillion U.S. taxpayer dollars (dollars that could otherwise go to programs that support providing actual healthy organic food to people in need all over the U.S.) can possibly be funneled to foreign pharmaceutical companies, and these company’s shareholders are banking on this happening of course. This is business after all, right?)

The part of this bill that I really object to is that they are also pushing to lower the age that patients can take these drugs to 6 years old! They are already recommending it as a standard of care (first option before diet and lifestyle changes, because this is urgent and we need immediate action, right?) for patients as low as 12! There is also a recommendation for incredibly invasive bariatric surgery, starting at the age of 13. And I may as well throw the Big-Pharma Funded American Academy of Pediatrics under the bus, as a completely obvious part of the problem, as they have taken a large sum of money straight from the makers of Ozempic, Novo Nordisk, and are the ones making these recommendations as a first line of defense, influencing countless doctors and their patients. 

The AAP also of course spreads the “obesity is a brain disease” narrative, to get weight loss medications covered and contribute to the further pharmaceutical financial rigging of the Medicaid system. Medicaid is a cash cow for these pharmaceutical companies. Unfortunately, doctors generally trust these governmental agencies even though they are heavily funded by pharmaceutical companies (but then again, so was their college education) and are many times referencing studies ran in the labs of these same companies by scientists paid by these companies. Can we trust a company with trillions of dollars on the line to act in integrity and provide accurate long-term studies that are unbiased. In my experience it’s a big fat no. 

That being said, the way these medications and many others work is through specific systems in our phenomenally resilient and intuitive bodies that already exist and function for specific purposes. This is GOOD NEWS because this means our body wants to do what these medications do…all on its own!

At this point, I think it’s important to educate ourselves and others about what these drugs are, what they are doing, if they are worth the cost (physically and financially) and what we can do to avoid them when we can.

What is GLP-1?

GLP-1 (Glucagon-Like Peptide) is a peptide hormone released in the gut when you eat, that signals the pancreas to release insulin and also increases satiety (the feeling of fullness). Scientists discovered and isolated this peptide in the late 1980s, and it has since been utilized in different medications for diabetics with great success. Of course, along the way they recognized other side effects, such as weight loss and started prescribing it for that. 

(Disclaimer: I am not a physician. I am looking at all of this through the lens of Functional Nutrition and communicating as a certified professional in this field. I am also a concerned mother of four, who has experienced being obese and has shifted my entire life experience/ health and that of my family through positive changes in our food and lifestyle. If you are in a situation where you want to take Ozempic or any other weight loss drug, I get it! But talk to your doctor, who is fully informed of your medical history. There is always a lot to know about the permanent effects of any drug as there is not a drug out there that will not have side effects. Our bodies are all unique in the ways that they process each drug. I have heard of some success with much smaller doses than is typically recommended. I will provide more resources at the end for those who want to dive deeper into information about Ozempic from doctors and people who are providing their honest reviews of the benefits and effects.)

A GLP-1 agonist drug (like Ozempic and Wegovy) will activate the GLP-1 receptors, and among other responses, our body experiences a slowing of gastric emptying, inhibition of the release of glucagon, release of insulin and increase in satiety (fullness). But what are the risks of this type of activation?

The normal function of GLP in our bodies when it is naturally triggered and released usually only lasts about a few minutes. These drugs (at a commonly recommended dosage) make this activation last about a week. What could go wrong?

The question is not if these drugs really work, they do absolutely cause weight loss, and to many that is all that matters. It is even arguable that the risks of being obese (there’s over 200 diseases and complications related to being obese) outweigh the side effects of these drugs when taken responsibly, but this is a decision to be made by each individual. 


Muscle mass loss and effects on bone density. People are not just losing fat, they are losing just as much muscle which leads to a gaunt look in your face, sagging skin, frailty sometimes at the level of sarcopenia which is a hallmark of those who are rapidly aging or dying. There is also a risk of injury, due to changes in bone density. This can be due to malnutrition. But hey, it’s only the very structure of your physical body and how it moves! This is why responsible doctors will recommend more protein and weight resistance training as adjunct therapies. This is not a magic pill and should be prescribed with care. These drugs may improve how you look, but they don’t improve your vitality…without extra work on your part. 

Increase in Thyroid Cancer– Studies have shown a possible increase of risk of up to 50-70%. It’s important to note that in general thyroid cancer is very rare, but also being aware if you are genetically high risk is important. Ozempic carries a black box warning for thyroid cancer. 

Pancreatitis. There are people who experience this (which is excruciatingly painful) and happens when the pancreatic cells that normally produce GLP-1 go completely haywire. Studies show you are up to 9X more likely to experience pancreatitis on these drugs. 

Kidney Dysfunction. There are differing studies here, but if you have kidney damage or disease, it may be best to not take it! There is a lot you can do to support the kidneys, which is also worth learning about if you take these drugs.

Life-Long Usage. This is a drug that will have to be taken indefinitely in most cases. There is an argument that if you can use it as a springboard into a healthier lifestyle, you can quit eventually, but this is actually uncommon. The effects of putting a child on these drugs at a young age, unless you are completely changing their lifestyle and eating habits while controlling a very low dose, just seems like a terrible idea. The systems in a child’s body are still growing and developing, and the glandular/ hormonal systems are so 

When you quit, you gain back weight. People report gaining from half the weight to double the weight back! 

Effects on other hormones. When you use drugs that affect the endocrine system, it makes sense that the body’s other hormones will re-calibrate, and this can set off a myriad of other problems. Malnutrition also contributes to hormone suppression. The glandular/ hormonal system is delicate, and changes are generally felt across the entire body. Leptin and Ghrelin, the main hormones that are responsible for satiety and hunger, stop production for example when these drugs are used. Can this add to the reason that when you quit, you are insatiably hungry and gain the weight back? 

Around 80% of patients experience nausea. This can be because the dosage is too high as well, but generally it seems that you can expect to be nauseous at times while on this medication, especially right after your injection. 

Gastroparesis- A condition where the muscular contractions that normally progress food from the stomach into the intestines is affected. Causing food to literally rot in your stomach, which can obviously cause a lot of other problems including dysbiosis and intense vomiting spells.

Disrupted microbiome. This can lead to other conditions all over the body from your skin to your brain and everywhere in between.

Around 30% of patients report extreme vomiting. Which can then cause damage of your teeth and other symptoms which are common to people who struggle with bulimia. Again, this may be a hint to adjust your dosage.

Increase in depression and suicidal thoughts. There are many theories on why this happens, but it is also experienced by bariatric surgery patients. They don’t really know why, but it could be effects on your hormones, microbiome, brain, reward system…the why is not clear, and possibly a mix of all of these…but it is happening. Some argue that since you cannot emotionally eat, complex emotional situations will surface to be healed. No more numbing out with food. Which is good, and also hard. And if people do not have the tools to cope with what comes up, they may seek escape from it all. Some patients will notice an overall emotional dulling. The enthusiasm has been taken out of life. 

Exacerbation of eating disorders. This is a complex issue. And the ease of getting the drugs online is a problem here.

Starvation/ Malnutrition. If you aren’t hungry, you just won’t eat. This means your body does not receive the nourishment it needs to function correctly. This is especially the case if the little food you are eating has no nutritional value. 

Note: If you are already on Ozempic or any other weight loss drug that affects the same receptors, there are a lot of things you can do to reduce the risks. Tracking what happens in your system, and how the body feels becomes very important! Generally making sure that you are moving into a healthier lifestyle is necessary when you are taking these drugs. More protein and fiber, and absolutely resistance training to build your muscle back and improve bone density. Getting a supportive team of people around you to make the necessary changes is so helpful. (I can be part of this team for you!)

Now that you know what some of the risks are, it will be easier to talk to your physician and make a more educated decision You can see why your medical history is important when making this choice, right? This is not quite as simple of a choice as all of the advertisements and celebrity endorsements want to make it seem. 

And this is why it’s important to keep in mind that children cannot really advocate for themselves. There are all sorts of reasons why a parent would choose to put their child on one of these drugs, as the studies you can find (that are funded by drug companies) tout their safety. (I highly recommend learning how to read a medical study/ paper, to empower yourself and advocate for your loved ones) I know that people really don’t want to believe that our government would allow hurtful drugs onto the market that can harm our children. The truth is that that they are not protecting us at all…in so many ways. It is purely illusion that we have effective and unbiased government regulatory agencies these days unfortunately, and this becomes quite clear when you see how many independently funded organizations have cropped up to do the actual work that these regulatory agencies should be doing. We simply need to empower ourselves and our children to take back our own health.

So, here is the part you’ve been waiting for!

The ways you can hack your own satiety hormones! These methods are crucial to proper functioning of your GLP-1 and other hormones, contributing to a picture of overall vitality. Please do not hesitate to reach out for more help with any of these, or simply if you have questions. And there are many creative ways that you can do most of these things with your kids also! More info on that to come…

There are several foods and activities that can improve how your own GLP-1 is activated and improve the overall health of your system to achieve similar results…

  • Cut out ultra-processed foods. If its in a box, bag, or any other brightly colored package with fake news health claims and has a load of ingredients…just stop. It isn’t worth the temporary dopamine fix, trust me.
  • Eat more fiber and protein! Beans, legumes, barley, nuts, seeds, quinoa etc.
  • Mitigate your stress. This is a broad request of course, and also very important.
  • Focus on getting great sleep. 
  • Eat organic whole foods. (Another thinly veiled push for cutting out processed foods!) You will be amazed at how taking the chemicals, preservatives, toxins, herbicides, pesticides and other additives will improve your health quickly. I have experienced many people making this change only, and experiencing weight loss, improved blood sugar balance, decreased hunger (most likely due to a healthier microbiome where pathogenic bacteria are less prevalent) and overall improvements in health.
  • Eat probiotic and prebiotic foods. Supplement with these if you feel it’s appropriate.
  • Whole starches- studies show a diet of whole organic food focused on whole starches creates activates your GLP and creates more weight loss than Ozempic for some. These delay your digestion, and hints to the importance of blood sugar balance here. After all, these drugs were first used for blood sugar balance, which is absolutely connected to obesity. Whole starches would be whole grains, roots, tubers and legumes.
  • Chew longer and take your time eating.
  • Stay hydrated- Trust me, it improves everything forever when you are properly hydrated.
  • Berberine! Known as nature’s Ozempic. Improves gut health, sugar balance, activates AMP Kinase amongst other benefits. Found in supplement form, and comes from Turmeric, Barberry, Goldenseal and Oregon Grape. Dihydroberbine can have better absorption in the gut lining.
  • Flavonoids, found in Curcumin (turmeric again), cinnamon, rosemary and green tea in concentrated supplement forms. Make sure your supplements are whole food and organic also!

The following foods are also good to incorporate when tolerated by your unique system:

  • Pomegranate (Polyphenols and bacterial support)
  • Olives 
  • Pistachios
  • Plain Yogurt and other fermented foods
  • Eggs

Another thing you want to be thinking about in relation to weight loss and metabolic health is blood sugar balance. Remember that these drugs were originally for diabetes, and that as they work towards helping your body attain better blood sugar balance, and they then create weight loss. There is an obvious connection here, but I won’t go into the details. A blood sugar spike happens in the system when we take sugars into the system too quickly and this can cause a lot of problems in the body. There are a lot of things to know on this subject that can help you on your health journey!

“Glucose Revolution”, by Jesse Inchauspé is a great resource to start with when learning about blood sugar balance. 

Here are some tips from her book that I have found very impactful (They have researched, studied and tracked all these methods and they all help a blood sugar spike either not happen or significantly lessen)…

  • Regular exercise (small bursts throughout the day, but most importantly walking for at least 10 minutes after a meal)
  • Eat a savory breakfast. It is so common for us to eat a sugary breakfast between the pastries we love and the cereals we are also addicted to. Protein in the morning has so many benefits, and starting your day with a sugar spike has none, so be mindful of that first meal as an opportunity to set a healthy tone for your day. 
  • The order you eat your food matters! Veggies first, protein and fats next, starches and sugars last. This will lessen the blood sugar spike up to 73%!
  • Limit, or ideally completely remove fruit juices, sweet drinks and dried fruit. Eat only whole fresh fruit.
  • Pair sweet things and starches with fiber/ protein and fat. I think the easy way to do this is by keeping health organic nuts and seeds on hand.
  • No sweet things on an empty stomach.
  • One tablespoon of any vinegar (not balsamic) in a tall glass of water right before you eat anything sweet or before a meal. This one may not be easy for everyone, but it works! It lessens the sugar spike up to 30%!

In conclusion, I would love to recommend the book, “Magic Pill” by Johann Hari, which is an authentic and full spectrum view into what it’s like to take Ozempic. There are so many factors that come into play for everyone when making a choice like this. 

I would also suggest that we all support the children in our lives by teaching them to care for their bodies and protecting them from the ultra-processed food system that is making them sick in so many ways. 

 If you are looking at Ozempic as your last resort option, please see this Youtube page featuring Dr. Tyna Moore, who has loads of information on how to do it right.

Okay…go make good choices! 

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