• Dismantling The Big Lie About GMOs
    The agribusiness has perpetuated a great lie through their creative PR.  Monsanto’s PR, and also that of just about every major commercial participant in the industrialised food system, is to focus on the promotion of one single idea–that industrial producers in the food system want you to ...
  • Dr. Don Huber: GMOs and Glyphosate and Their Threat to Humanity
    Dr. Don Huber is an award-winning, international scientist and professor emeritus of plant pathology at Purdue University. Today he spoke with Food Integrity about the dangers of GMOs and Glyphosate (Roundup).  Dr. Huber’s 50+ years of research and expertise in the area of plant pathology w...
  • Howard Vlieger: Student of the Soil on GMOs, Soil and Glyphosate
    Howard Vlieger is a third generation family farmer and has been a student of the soil since 1989 and a crop nutrition advisor since 1982. He has worked with crop and livestock producers all over the country and in Canada. Vlieger has also worked with some of the best scientist in the world in his...
  • Is Fido Eating GMOs?
    Many of us work at eating a healthy, non-gmo diet–but what about our pets? Richard Palmquist, DVM, talked with Food Integrity Now about the importance of feeding our animals a balanced and healthy diet. He shares his thoughts and expertise on how your pet’s diet can either harm or hea...
  • Hossca Harrison: The Energy and Consciousness of GMOs and Food
    What is the consciousness of a GMO? Hossca Harrison, philosopher, mystic, teacher, medium and founder of Jonah Life Institute, shares his knowledge and wisdom as to how energy works.  He spoke with Food Integrity Now about the consciousness of GMOs. He explained how the food we eat is not only af...
  • Dr. Vandana Shiva: Taking Back Our Seeds, Food and Our Democracy
    Dr. Vandana Shiva, scientist, philosopher, author, environmentalist, activist and feminist who supports the movement for peace, sustainability and social justice spoke with Food Integrity Now this week. Dr. Shiva, who is trained as a physicist and also studied quantum theory, was inspired by Gand...
  • GMO Study: OMG, You’re Eating Insecticide…

     Most Americans remain blissfully unaware (or don’t care) they are eating genetically-modified (GM) organisms every day. Passivity and blind faith in the USDA, FDA and EPA have largely contributed to this attitude. Perhaps that will change now that a GMO Study reveals an insecticide produced in GM corn actually gets absorbed into the human body. 

  • What You Need to Know About GMOs

     If you are not actively avoiding genetically-modified foods (GMOs), you are eating them every day. GMOs are in roughly 80 percent of packaged foods sold in the U.S. and Canada, according the Grocery Manufacturers Association. Studies indicate serious health risks are associated with GMO consumption, including infertility, accelerated aging, organ damage and birth defects. Want to know more?