• Everything You Wish You Didn’t Know About GMOs.
    By: Zen Honeycutt of Moms Across America As a mother, my first and foremost concern is the well being of my family. Many things can threaten the safety of my family, especially our children, who are more vulnerable due to the underdevelopment of their bodies. One of those things is Geneticall...
  • Dr. Thierry Vrain, Former Pro-GMO Scientist, Speaks Up
    Dr. Thierry Vrain, former genetic engineer and soil biologist with Agriculture Canada, spoke with us today about his concerns with genetically engineered crops (GMOs) and more importantly, the use of Glyphosate (RoundUp). Dr. Vrain’s background in the field of genetic engineering (for 30 ye...
  • William Engdahl on GMOs: The Lies and Long History of the Poisoning of Humanity
    How have we gotten to where we are now with 85% of all of our food in our mainstream grocery stores genetically modified? This just didn’t happen over night, it was well planned. Food Integrity Now spoke with F. William Engdahl, a researcher, economist, analyst, columnist and author. He has...
  • Breaking News: OSGATA v. Monsanto Case Filed With Supreme Court
    A few hours ago, Food Integrity Now spoke with Jim Gerritsen, President of the Organic Seed Growers and Trade Association (“OSGATA”). Jim Gerritsen, representing the lead plaintiff, OSGATA,  spoke with us about this ground-breaking case filed with the Supreme Court today. The Plaintif...
  • GMO Study: OMG, You’re Eating Insecticide…

     Most Americans remain blissfully unaware (or don’t care) they are eating genetically-modified (GM) organisms every day. Passivity and blind faith in the USDA, FDA and EPA have largely contributed to this attitude. Perhaps that will change now that a GMO Study reveals an insecticide produced in GM corn actually gets absorbed into the human body. 

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