Jeffrey Smith is Sounding the Alarm on GMO 2.0Jeffrey Smith, Founder and Executive Director of Institute for Responsible Technology, is the most knowledgeable person on the planet about GMOs. His 27-year career of educating about the dangers of GMOs is so impressive–as he was one of the first to educate us about GMOs and their effect o...
GMO 2.0 Gene EditingMany people many be unaware of GMO 2.0 and gene editing. Food Integrity Now recently attended the National Heirloom Expo in Ventura, CA. One of the speakers, Jeffrey Smith, Founder and Executive Director of The Institute for Responsible Technology, did an excellent talk and presentation on GMO 2...
Gene Editing Causes Chaos In Genome of TomatoesMany who follow websites like Food Integrity Now are aware of gene editing technology like CRISPR/Cas gene editing. We and others like Responsible Technology, GM Watch, Moms Across America, Sustainable Pulse and others have been warning about the danger of this technology. We have been deeply co...
7 Reasons Why Gene Editing is DangerousGene editing is cheap, easy, prone to side effects, poorly regulated and can permanently alter nature’s gene pool-a recipe for disaster. In the short video (6.33 minutes) you will learn about the 7 reasons why gene editing is dangerous and unpredictable. This article was first posted by the Inst...
GMO Beef Could Enter Food Supply in 2 YearsAt Food Integrity Now, we are greatly concerned about the consequences of genetically modifying any of our food. The CRISPR technology is no exception to this concern. The FDA does not have our food safety as a concern-and are moving forward with the approval of GMO beef. In my opinion and in th...
Regulating GMOs Fails AgainOn Saturday, May 16, we received word from the USDA about a ruling on the regulating of GMOs. Unfortunately, regulating of GMOs fails again. This ruling is beyond insane and allows GMO makers to profit even more by the poisoning of our food, water and planet. One of the points in this ruling actu...
21 Gene Edited Plants Approved by USDAThe United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has already given non-regulated status to more to more than 21 gene edited crops engineered genetically with so-called genome editing techniques. This is according to new research done by Testbiotech. None of the applications registered...
Gene Editing – Really Scary Technology?What is all the fuss about CRISPR-Cas9 technology and gene editing? Genome editing (also called gene editing) is a group of technologies that give scientists the ability to change an organism’s DNA. These technologies allow genetic material to be added, removed, or altered at particular loc...