• How Monsanto Ruined American Holidays
    By Zen Honeycutt What do Halloween, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Easter, and the 4th of July all have in common? For millions of American moms, it’s one thing—dread. Our kids can’t eat the food offered during these holidays, and therefore, the holiday is pretty much ruined. We are inundated wi...
  • Dr. William Davis: Reclaiming Lost Microbes and Youthfulness
    I spoke with Dr. William Davis today, bestselling author of the Wheat Belly books, Undoctored and Super Gut, about reclaiming lost microbes and youthfulness. What does this mean? Let’s dig in further. As we learned from my last interview with Dr. Davis on his book Super Gut, there are b...
  • Super Gut
    The ancient bacteria that has kept our gut in alignment and our digestion easy have been dying off and replaced by harmful microbes that don’t serve to keep us physically healthy and mentally fit. Nine years ago, I interviewed Dr. William Davis, author of Wheat Belly, which was a breakthro...
  • Dr. T. Colin Campbell: Is A Whole Food Plant Based Diet Right For You?
    Dr. T. Colin Campbell, nutritional scientist with a long list of credentials and co-author of the widely popular book, The China Study, Whole and featured in the documentaries, Forks Over Knives and PlantPure Nation, spoke with Food Integrity Now today (the interview is at the bottom of the page....
  • Food Integrity Now in 2014
    Happy New Year from Food Integrity Now. We are starting our year off with some great guests.  In January, we will talk with Joel Salatin about his upcoming documentary, Polyface Farms, which is a model farm for sustainability and Dr. David Perlmutter will be joining us to talk about his best-sell...
  • Wheat Belly by Dr. William Davis
    What if eating a low-fat, whole grain diet to prevent or heal heart disease, which is advocated by the American Heart Association, is a lie? What if eating whole grains is the reason why you are overweight, have heart disease or diabetes? Dr. William Davis, Cardiologist and author of the New York...

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