• The Mind-Gut Connection: Are you listening?
    There is much information coming forth regarding the microbiome (our gut) and its intimate relationship with the brain. We now understand that there are at least 10 Trillion microbes that live with us. Some doctors are starting to more fully understand the communication that happens between the b...
  • Dr. Robert Kremer: GMOs, Glyphosate and Soil Biology
    Dr. Robert Kremer is a Professor of Soil Microbiology at the University of Missouri and is recently retired after a 32-year career as a microbiologist with the U.S.D.A.  He spoke with Food Integrity Now about the problems he has studied over the past 18 years with transgenic crops (GMOs) and Glyp...
  • Dr. Thierry Vrain, Former Genetic Engineer: Nutritional Status of GMOs
    Dr. Thierry Vrain, former genetic engineer, soil biologist, and retired plant pathologist, gives an excellent talk on engineered food and your health, entitled the Nutritional Status of GMOs.     “Over 500 million acres – with every cell of every plant containing antibiotic ...
  • John Kempf: Changing the Way we Grow Food
    How nutritious is our food? What does the nutrition of the plant have to do with having a healthy immune system? The use of herbicides like RoundUp (Glyphosate) has increased to over 500 Million pounds per year. How has this changed the quality of our food? If the plants that we are growing are n...

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