• Super Gut
    The ancient bacteria that has kept our gut in alignment and our digestion easy have been dying off and replaced by harmful microbes that don’t serve to keep us physically healthy and mentally fit. Nine years ago, I interviewed Dr. William Davis, author of Wheat Belly, which was a breakthro...
  • Balanced Hormones Is So Essential
    In today’s world, we are being bombarded with so many environmental toxins as well as dealing with many stresses in our every day life. It is essential to have balanced hormones for good health. Stress alone can greatly throw your hormones out of whack. Are you predominantly using your sy...
  • It’s Not All Bad News
    It’s been an interesting week in the news and for a change some of it is good news.  Recently, the trial of Dwayne “Lee” Johnson v. Monsanto awarded the plaintiff, Lee Johnson $289 million in damages ($250 million in punitive damages).  During the trial, the first of its kind, t...

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