Roundup is Not Just a Carcinogenic Herbicide. It’s a Bee Killing Pesticide Too.Happy Earth Day! Please do something for the earth today. Read this article and take action below! Thank you!A new study released April 6, 2021, in the Journal of Applied Ecology reveals that Roundup, the most widely used herbicide in the world, and the focus of recent lawsuits regarding non-Hodg...
The Monsanto PapersFood Integrity Now spoke with Carey Gillam about her new book, The Monsanto Papers, Deadly Secrets, Corporate Corruption, and One Man’s Search for Justice. The book tells the inside story of Lee Johnson’s landmark lawsuit against Monsanto after a workplace accident left Lee doused in ...
Gabe Brown: Our Lives Depend on the SoilI spoke with Gabe Brown, farmer, educator and author who is one of the leading experts on soil and regenerative agriculture. Gabe shared the how and why our lives depend on the soil. That may seem like a bold statement but it makes sense if you understand why our soil has become deplete of vital ...
Matt Powers: Regenerative SoilToday I spoke with Matt Powers. Matt is an author, educator, seed saver, gardener, and entrepreneur focused on radically transforming the entire K-12 education system through the collegiate system as well as the economy such that it aligns with regenerative science, natural principles, and perma...
New Tech Safe Program LaunchedMany of us have children that are heading back to the classroom. During the shutdowns, many school districts have “upgraded” their technology systems and have purchased laptops or iPads for every student. When our children do go back to school, instead of exposure to one device’s radio fre...
Best Chance to Ban GlyphosatePlease Take Action!The EPA has admitted that glyphosate herbicides (also known as Roundup or Ranger Pro by Monsanto/Bayer) harm 93% of endangered species. This is an excellent reason for the EPA to deny the license of glyphosate. However, they claim that only landscaping use (20 million poun...
Medicating NormalOver 7 Million children under the age of 18 take prescribed psychiatric drugs. The pharmaceutical industry spends billions of dollars marketing their psychiatric medications. Only two countries allow television ads for pharmaceuticals, America is one of those. One in five Americans take these dru...
Beyond Labels: Sina McCullough, PhD and Joel SalatinFood Integrity Now spoke with Sina McCullough, PhD and Joel Salatin about their remarkable book, Beyond Labels, A Doctor and a Farmer Tackle Food Confusion One Bite At a Time. Sina, a PhD nutritionist and Joel, a farmer and owner of Polyface Farm offer a transparent look into the way our food is...
Dr. Austin Perlmutter: Brain WashWhen was the last time you felt truly happy, fulfilled, clear-minded, well rested, and deeply connected–not only to yourself but also to the people and world around you? Food Integrity Now spoke with Dr. Austin Perlmutter, co-author with Dr. David Perlmutter, about their New York Times best...
EPA Releases Evaluation of Glyphosate Herbicide Impact on Endangered SpeciesThe day before Thanksgiving the EPA released their Biological Evaluation (BE) assessment of potential risks for registered uses of glyphosate to endangered or threatened species or their critical habitat. This federal action is a part of the Registration Review for the license of glyphosate, whic...