A Biotech Backlash? Farmers beginning to question the GMO path
There are so many aspects of the GMO debate, one might find oneself at a loss for where to start. There are studies indicating GMOs cause organ damage and infertility. The American Academy of Environmental Medicine released a paper showing more than a causal association between GMOs and adverse health effects.
According to the AAEM,
several animal studies indicate serious health risks associated with GM food consumption including infertility, immune dysregulation, accelerated aging, dysregulation of genes associated with cholesterol synthesis, insulin regulation, cell signaling, and protein formation, and changes in the liver, kidney, spleen and gastrointestinal system.
Then there is the issue of GM crops contaminating neighboring farmer’s fields through cross-pollination. These are all issues that the biotech giants want to sweep under the rug while cheerfully touting that their seeds will save the world. Biotech has had a good run over the past ten years, it promised farmers an easy way to grow crops with higher yields. It did deliver, for a time, but now farmers are beginning to see the promise of a quick fix was not without repercussions.
Food Integrity Now – E16 – T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D., author of The China Study
T. Colin Campbell joins us on the show to discuss his bestselling book, The China Study. His work examines the relationship between the consumption of animal products and disease such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis and macular degeneration. Campbell, in detailing the correlation between diet and disease, along with his recommendation of a plant-based diet, has shaken up industry giants who have profited off of the traditional American fare of meat, milk and potatoes.
In this show, we get Dr. Campbell’s viewpoints on the widespread and controversial field of genetic engineering, discuss the response of the medical, meat and dairy industries, and find out what projects he has coming up next.
Food Integrity Now – E15 – Amy Kalafa of Two Angry Moms
Amy Kalafa, award-winning documentary filmmaker and creator of Two Angry Moms, joins Carol on the show to discuss her new film that is waking up moms across the U.S. as to what “food” their kids are eating at school and what they can do about it. The film peers onto the lunch trays of schools across the country, examining what needs to change in most and giving examples of what that change can be in others.
Monsanto hired Blackwater to infiltrate activist groups
In a startling story featured in The Nation, investigative journalist Jeremy Scahill revealed that in 2008, Monsanto hired a Blackwater subsidiary to spy on activist groups who conflicted with company interests. Blackwater, the controversial private military company now operating under the name Xe, is the largest of the U.S. State Department’s three private security contractors. Monsanto, the company that brought you rBGH, PCBs, DDT and Agent Orange, also produces 90% of the world’s genetically-engineered seeds.
Food Integrity Now – E14 – SF Supervisor Eric Mar squares off with fast food companies over toy incentives
Supervisor Eric Mar of San Francisco joined us on the show Wednesday to discuss the bill he authored that would prohibit restaurants from including toys with meals that do not meet nutritional guidelines. This recently introduced bill is similar to that which went into effect in Santa Clara County in August. Mar’s reasoning for this bill is to promote healthy eating habits and to address the growing issue of childhood obesity in this country.
The debate over genetically-engineered salmon sizzles, FDA to decide on Monday
The internet was on fire these past two days after the FDA deemed AquaBounty’s genetically-engineered salmon safe for human consumption this past Tuesday. Bloggers and opinion columnist on both sides of the issue gave their best shots at influencing their readers and arguments raged in the comments. A call-in campaign started by The Center for Food Safety resulted in a flooding of the White House’s phone comment lines as people voiced their concerns over this genetically-engineered organism making it their plates. The FDA will hold a public hearing on this issue in Maryland on September 19 and 20th, after which it will decide the fate of this laboratory-born fish.
A blow to GMO: Federal judge bans genetically-engineered sugar beets
In a blow to the biotech industry and a victory for food integrity advocates, a U.S. District Judge banned sugar beet farmers from planting genetically-engineered sugar beet seeds next year. Genetically-engineered sugar beets currently make up 95 percent of the crop in the U.S. The judge ruled that due to cross-contamination, the genetically-engineered crops were infringing on farmers’ fundamental right to choose the crop of their choice.
Changing the names: Group lobbies FDA to allow high-fructose corn syrup to now be called ‘corn sugar’
Most people now know about the negative effects of high-fructose corn syrup on health and sales are at a 20-year low. So the Corn Refiners Association applied Tuesday to the FDA to allow use of the name ‘corn sugar’ instead of the tarnished ‘high-fructose corn syrup’.
Food Integrity Now – E13 – Ewell Culbertson on Organic Farming and the Importance of OrganicEwell Culbertson of Pachamama Organic Farm joins us again for a fascinating show discussing the importance of organic and some of the method used on his farm located near Boulder, CO. Ewell describes the necessary role of microbes in plant biology along with proper soil composition. He illustrate...