US Court Says No to QR Codes for GMO LabelingFor more than 10 years, many of us have been working on getting GMO’s labeled so consumers could know what they were buying or consuming. It has been an uphill battle but during those 10 years consumer awareness has been greatly raised about GMOs, and their accompanying pesticides and herbi...
Glyphosate Crosses Blood-Brain Barrier: Exposure Correlates With Alzheimer’s Symptoms“In a new study, Arizona State University (ASU) and the Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGEN) have explored the effects of glyphosate exposure on the brains of mice. The research demonstrates, for the first time, that glyphosate successfully crosses the blood-brain barr...
Is Your Gut/Brain Ready for Fall?On Wednesday, August 3, at 5:30pm PT, the Nutrition Support Group will be discussing tips on how to create a healthy immune system and how to maintain your gut/brain health. As we know, negative viruses and bacteria can create dysbiosis, which is an imbalance of the beneficial and not so benefici...
Thousands of Children’s Treats Contain Additive Unsafe For Human ConsumptionDid you know that thousands of children’s treats contain an additive unsafe for human consumption? The European Union says this additive is no longer safe for human consumption but the United States has taken no action! Here is what EWG reported:Skittles, Starburst and thousands of other sw...
Nutrition Support Group – Creating Ultimate WellnessI am excited you are here! I am offering a nutrition support group with coaching via Zoom two times a month. We live in a world where having a healthy gut and brain is essential for a great quality of life–and for most it can be achieved through diet and lifestyle. The science of nutrition is cha...
More than 50 Percent of Tested U.S. Rivers, Lakes, and Ponds Heavily PollutedResearch shows that more than 50% of tested U.S. rivers, lakes, and ponds heavily polluted. Report finds EPA has “neglected its duty” under the federal Clean Water Act.More than 700,000 miles of America’s rivers, streams and creeks and more than 11 million acres of lakes, ponds and re...
GMO Beef Could Enter Food Supply in 2 YearsAt Food Integrity Now, we are greatly concerned about the consequences of genetically modifying any of our food. The CRISPR technology is no exception to this concern. The FDA does not have our food safety as a concern-and are moving forward with the approval of GMO beef. In my opinion and in th...
Does Your Farmed Salmon Contain This Chemical?Food Integrity Now’s mission is to provide powerful and accurate information about food, health and wellness to assist humanity to make wise choices in creating fantastic health and a joy-filled life. Many are buying farmed fish thinking that they are helping the environment and helping to replen...
Plastic Sports Bottles Leach 100’s of Chemicals–Even Insect RepellentFood Integrity Now has been concerned for years about the chemicals in plastic sports bottles–especially if you reuse them. Now we have even more evidence. Plastic is ubiquitous in our world and we need to quit using and this article is just more reasons why to ditch the plastic NOW!Reusabl...
GMOs & Glyphosate: All Roads Lead to CancerAt Food Integrity Now, we have been educating about GMOs and Glyphosate for over 12 years. We look forward to the day when we don’t have to talk about it! That day has not arrived yet--and now we have another study showing that it is worse than we thought with more evidence of the cancer-ca...