• Gabe Brown and Common Ground: Our Lives Depend on the Soil
    I spoke with Gabe Brown two years ago regarding his book, Dirt to Soil, and about healing our soil through regenerative agriculture. That interview is below. Since this interview, Gabe Brown has been part of an amazing film, Common Ground, which is a wakeup call for humanity.The film is Common Gr...
  • Glyphosate Exposure Linked to Severe Depression and Cognitive Decline in American Adults
    Our friends at Sustainable Pulse have reported that glyphosate exposure is linked to severe depression and cognitive decline. The evidence of glyphosate toxicity and damage to the human body and environment is undeniable and continues to come forth. We are certain that glyphosate is one of the mo...
  • Toxic Legacy: Stephanie Seneff, PhD
    Toxic Legacy–what are we leaving our grandchildren? There are not many people who have studied the weedkiller, glyphosate, as much as Stephanie Seneff, PhD. Seneff, has been affiliated with MIT for over 5 decades, has 4 advanced degrees from this institution, is a senior scientist there and...
  • Gabe Brown: Our Lives Depend on the Soil
    I spoke with Gabe Brown, farmer, educator and author who is one of the leading experts on soil and regenerative agriculture. Gabe shared the how and why our lives depend on the soil. That may seem like a bold statement but it makes sense if you understand why our soil has become deplete of vital ...
  • What is Making Our Kids Sick? A Panel Discussion
    The National Heirloom Expo took place in Santa Rosa, California last week. I had the the honor of moderating a panel at this event with the esteemed, Dr. Don Huber a scientist, Zen Honeycutt of Moms Across America, and Dr. Michelle Perro, a pediatrician from Marin County. The title of our talk wa...
  • Action Needed Now: Tell EPA to Ban Cancer-Linked Glyphosate
    The active ingredient in RoundUp is glyphosate. It is the most heavily used weed killer in history.  In a paper, published Feb. 2, 2016 in the peer-reviewed journal Environmental Sciences Europe, reports that to date 18.9 billion pounds (8.6 billion kilograms) of glyphosate have been used globall...
  • Dr. Don Huber: What We Know About Glyphosate and GMOs
    Dr. Don Huber, Professor Emeritus, Plant Pathology, Purdue University, is one of the leading experts in the world on Glyphosate and GMOs and how they effect the environment and human health.  I spoke with Dr. Huber this week, and he shared some of the latest information regarding Glyphosate and G...
  • Moms attend Monsanto Shareholders Meeting
    There were lies and more lies from one of the biggest bully corporations of today, Monsanto. Today was Monsanto’s Annual Shareholders’Meeting in St. Louis. Zen Honeycut and Anne Temple from Moms Across America had an opportunity, through proxies, to attend that meeting and to speak up...
  • Shining Light on the DARK Act
    In July this year, the U.S. House of Representatives passed HR 1599, a bill we call the DARK Act (Denying American’s the Right to Know) because it would deny voters the right to pass state bills to label genetically engineered foods (GMOs) and make mandatory labeling at the federal level impossib...
  • Dr. Don Huber – The Latest Science on GMOs, Glyphosate and Infertility
    Dr. Don Huber, Professor Emeritus, Plant Pathology, Purdue University, shared some of the latest information on GMOs, glyphosate, infertility and what scientists are finding about this flawed science called genetic engineering. Dr. Huber is one of the leading scientists in the world who continues...

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