• Our Children Are Being Poisoned: It’s Time for A New Resistance
    What if you were unknowingly poisoning your child? What if that poison was coming through your own body? When you found out, would you be outraged and angry? Glyphosate (the active ingredient in RoundUp), has been found in breast milk! It is not only been found in breast milk, it is in our w...
  • Food Babe: Holding Corporations Accountable
    Vani Hari a/k/a The Food Babe is a force to be reckoned with! She and her “Food Babe Army” are taking on the big food corporations! Vani started her blog Foodbabe.com in April 2011 after dealing with several illnesses as a child which eventually landed her in a hospital with appendici...
  • They are Targeting our Children: It’s Time to Fight Back!
    Food Integrity Now is an educational resource to raise awareness as to what is happening to our global food supply. The big food corporations’ mission is to create an overweight and unhealthy population with their sugary, chemical-laden products  that have very little nutritional value̵...
  • Dr. Thierry Vrain, Former Pro-GMO Scientist, Speaks Up
    Dr. Thierry Vrain, former genetic engineer and soil biologist with Agriculture Canada, spoke with us today about his concerns with genetically engineered crops (GMOs) and more importantly, the use of Glyphosate (RoundUp). Dr. Vrain’s background in the field of genetic engineering (for 30 ye...
  • William Engdahl on GMOs: The Lies and Long History of the Poisoning of Humanity
    How have we gotten to where we are now with 85% of all of our food in our mainstream grocery stores genetically modified? This just didn’t happen over night, it was well planned. Food Integrity Now spoke with F. William Engdahl, a researcher, economist, analyst, columnist and author. He has...
  • Food Integrity Dining Guide: Send us your favorites!
    Food Integrity Now is in the process of creating a dining guide for the United States. We will be rating restaurants as to their food integrity, i.e. organics, non-gmo and locally sourced. We are in the process of interviewing restaurants and rating them. We will also provide some information as ...
  • Are Statins Really The Answer? The Great Cholesterol Myth
    Is high cholesterol really a major indicator of risk for heart disease? Could inflammation from a diet high in sugar be just as much a risk, if not more, as a predictor for heart disease? Why have fats been so villainized? Dr. Stephen Sinatra has been studying cholesterol and it’s relations...
  • `Tis the Season:You Don’t Have to Catch a Cold or the Flu!
    We have discussed the importance of avoiding GMOs and eating organic foods on many of our shows. This week, I have invited David Armstrong, M.Ac. (Acupuncturist), of Listening Heart Medicines to co-author this article with me on the importance of building a healthy immune system. This is an extr...
  • Is Fido Eating GMOs?
    Many of us work at eating a healthy, non-gmo diet–but what about our pets? Richard Palmquist, DVM, talked with Food Integrity Now about the importance of feeding our animals a balanced and healthy diet. He shares his thoughts and expertise on how your pet’s diet can either harm or hea...
  • What You Eat is What They Will Grow: Real Dirt with Harry Stoddart
    Listen to this interview with Harry Stoddart, author, consultant, adviser, and philosopher. Stoddart has developed a farming system that he believes is a starting point for true sustainable agriculture. Stoddart’s book, Real Dirt, An Ex-Industrial Farmers Guide to Sustainable Eating tackles...

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