• Eating Ethically – What Does That Mean to You?
    We live in a country where we certainly have lots of food choices.  We might be labelled a vegetarian, a vegan, an omnivore, a pescatarian or other labels that denote how we choose to eat.  In my interview with Marissa Landrigan, she explores some of those food choices and what it really means to...
  • GE Alfalfa: Lots of Activism
    Pat Trask is a fourth generation rancher following in the inspiring footsteps of his ancestors while also making a name for himself as a father, rancher and activist. Over the past 10 plus years he’s been working to keep genetically engineered Roundup Ready alfalfa (“GE Alfalfa”) from...
  • Real Food Fake Food
    With so many fake foods in our supermarkets (and restaurants) it is hard to know what we are eating anymore–Parmesan cheese made from wood pulp, extra-virgin olive oil that isn’t and fish being labeled and sold that is completely fake and we the consumers are paying the price. Did you...
  • Webinar Replay: How NOT to get Sick This Winter
    Many people get colds or the flu during the winter months. You can take specific steps to increase your immune system NOW so you do NOT get sick this winter. In this 35-minute webinar (listen here), you will learn: Specific steps to increase your physical immune system so you don’t get sic...
  • Webinar Replay – Getting the Most Nutrition from Your Veggies and Fruit
    Listen to the replay here of Food Integrity Now’s webinar “Are You a Healthy Eater and Still Getting Sick? Did you know? Blueberries are more nutrient dense when cooked. Letting your garlic rest after chopping for 10 minutes before adding to heat greatly increases the nutrition. Red ...
  • Deformities, Infertility, Disease: GMO Animal Feed
    Danish pig farmer, Ib Pedersen, knew something was not quite right with his pigs. He was seeing lots of diarrhea, agitation, lack of appetite and worse–deformities, abortions and infertility.  He decided to try something different and changed their diet from GM (genetically modified) pig fe...
  • What’s With Wheat?
    Going gluten-free is a choice many are making these days. Why is that? What’s with wheat? What does glyphosate (the active ingredient in RoundUp) have to do with gluten sensitivity and gut health?  Food Integrity Now spoke with Cyndi O’Meara, Executive Producer of the new documentary,...
  • The Mind-Gut Connection: Are you listening?
    There is much information coming forth regarding the microbiome (our gut) and its intimate relationship with the brain. We now understand that there are at least 10 Trillion microbes that live with us. Some doctors are starting to more fully understand the communication that happens between the b...
  • Revolution: Food Movie
    Are you getting tired of hearing all the bad news about our food supply? What’s next in the food revolution? Isn’t it time to start focusing more on solutions? Revolution: Food Movie is part of the solution? (full interview here).  Filmmaker, Loreto Di Cesare, brings us this beautiful...
  • Dr. Jonathan Lundgren: USDA Whistleblower
    Dr. Jonathan Lundgren’s career was thriving! He is an agroecologist, entomologist and was a senior research scientist with the USDA ARS (Agricultural Research Services). He won an award for being the best young scientist out of 1,000, which was the highest honor given to young scientists by...

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