• Victory! Federal Court Strikes Down Lax GMO Rules, Halts GE Crop Introductions Without USDA Oversight
    We are so excited excited about this great news. The Center For Food Safety brings us this great news. We are grateful for all their work! Now, if the new regime can clean up the USDA, then this victory to halt GE crop introductions without USDA Oversight, will mean so much for cleaning up our fo...
  • Cornucopia Institute on Animal Welfare
    I spoke with Kestrel Burcham, Policy Director at The Cornucopia Institute, about animal welfare and what is happening with the Organic Livestock and Poultry Standards (OLPS) ruling which is coming up for approval by the USDA. The poultry industry and animal welfare standards has been an area that...
  • 21 Gene Edited Plants Approved by USDA
    The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has already given non-regulated status to more to more than 21 gene edited crops engineered genetically with so-called genome editing techniques. This is according to new research done by Testbiotech. None of the applications registered...
  • Tell USDA We Want Real GMO Labels: Deadline July 3
    DEADLINE JULY 3: Tell the USDA Consumers Want Real GMO Labels Do these suggested labels look something that would warn people about a toxic food ingredient? This is what the proposed labels for GMO foods will look like if we allow it. This is what our USDA is proposing for how food companie...
  • Dr. Jonathan Lundgren: USDA Whistleblower
    Dr. Jonathan Lundgren’s career was thriving! He is an agroecologist, entomologist and was a senior research scientist with the USDA ARS (Agricultural Research Services). He won an award for being the best young scientist out of 1,000, which was the highest honor given to young scientists by...
  • Dr. Robert Kremer: GMOs, Glyphosate and Soil Biology
    Dr. Robert Kremer is a Professor of Soil Microbiology at the University of Missouri and is recently retired after a 32-year career as a microbiologist with the U.S.D.A.  He spoke with Food Integrity Now about the problems he has studied over the past 18 years with transgenic crops (GMOs) and Glyp...
  • Is ‘Pink Slime’ In Your Beef? Who Does the FDA & USDA Really Protect?
    “Pink Slime” is the industry name for a product that comes from scraps of meat, often filled with pathogens, that previously was only used for dog food. Then a clever company came up with a great idea to take these meat by-products, render off the fat and then use ammonia gas (Yep, I ...
  • Food Integrity Now – Barbara Peterson – Farm Wars – E37
    The Food Integrity Now team talks with Barbara Peterson of Farm Wars.  Barbara created Farm Wars as an educational forum for those who wish to stay informed about the ever increasing bioengineering of our foods, the USDA’s current organic standards and other relevant issues which threaten t...
  • Food Integrity Now – Francis Mangels – Chemtrails – E36

     Francis Mangels, former USDA scientist and featured expert in the movie What In The World Are They Spraying?, joins us to talk about the controversial topic, chemtrails. Skeptics say that chemtrails are merely persistent contrails, but the conditions for which normal contrails to persist are very rare. Is something more going on? For years, geo-engineers have discussed using high altitude aerosol spraying to mitigate the effects of global warming. They just don’t admit that they are doing it. Francis states that geo-engineering is indeed occurring, and has the evidence to back it up.

  • Despite problems with superweeds, Obama and USDA firmly support GMOs

     Superweeds, a side-effect of growing Roundup-Ready genetically modified (GM) crops, are a growing problem. Roundup-Ready crops, engineered to tolerate weedkiller, are the most popular variety of GM crop today. However, many native weeds have evolved their own defense to weedkiller and now occupy 10 million acres of US farmland. Despite this issue being a direct result of growing GM crops, the Obama administration and USDA recently made it clear, they firmly stand beside biotechnology.

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