• RoundUp, The Latest Good, Bad, and Ugly
    We have been talking, sharing and writing about RoundUp’s active ingredient, glyphosate, for several years. So what is the latest on RoundUp and glyphosate-based herbicides? Is glyphosate use diminishing? Are we finding less of it in our water, soil and food? There are some good, bad and u...
  • 21 Gene Edited Plants Approved by USDA
    The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has already given non-regulated status to more to more than 21 gene edited crops engineered genetically with so-called genome editing techniques. This is according to new research done by Testbiotech. None of the applications registered...
  • Why Wheat, Why Now?
    Wheat is a mild to moderate toxin for every human. Now you may think this is a bold statement but this is what the science is telling us.The StudiesA study conducted by Justin Holland and Allessio Fisano and a few others showed this to be true. The study used people with Celiac Disease, people wh...
  • 12 Steps To Create Better Health
    Navigating your way through all the information to create better health can sometimes be daunting and confusing. There is so much information available from many different sources on how to create better health but is it accurate and will it work for you? That is the big question! I am offering y...
  • EMFs and Health Risks
    We live in a time where convenience has become a priority for many. Thirty years ago, cell phones, laptops, computers and other electronic devices were a rarity. Now, almost everyone you know has a cellphone and a computer. It has become the norm and necessity for almost everyone! With this conve...
  • Way To Go Costco
    It’s now confirmed that Costco will stop selling RoundUp and glyphosate-based herbicides this Spring. This is huge news and we are hopeful that Lowe’s and Home Depot will be next. Costco’s is the largest buyer of organic foods in the country and in making this move to stop sell...
  • Keto, Smeto
    If you haven’t heard of the keto diet or don’t know someone who is on the keto diet, you must be living on another planet! It has become the number one diet for many Americans–mostly for weight loss. But, is it sustainable? Is it healthy? I think the answer is yes and no!First ...
  • What the Heck is in Our Water?
    Most of us realize that there are contaminants in our water. We are aware of the chlorine and fluoride in most of this country’s water supply. What you may not know it that there are more harmful contaminants like pharmaceuticals, hormones, herbicides, pesticides, BPA, mercury, lead, arsen...
  • Gene Editing – Really Scary Technology?
    What is all the fuss about CRISPR-Cas9 technology and gene editing? Genome editing (also called gene editing) is a group of technologies that give scientists the ability to change an organism’s DNA. These technologies allow genetic material to be added, removed, or altered at particular loc...
  • Arsenic in RoundUp. It’s Not Just the Glyphosate.
    We know that glyphosate the active ingredient in RoundUp, and the many other glyphosate-based herbicides, have been found to have many detrimental health effects to humans, animals, and the environment. What happens when you throw arsenic and other heavy metals into that mixture? Professor Gilles...