Jeffrey Smith is Sounding the Alarm on GMO 2.0Jeffrey Smith, Founder and Executive Director of Institute for Responsible Technology, is the most knowledgeable person on the planet about GMOs. His 27-year career of educating about the dangers of GMOs is so impressive–as he was one of the first to educate us about GMOs and their effect o...
Nutrition Support Group – Creating Ultimate WellnessI am excited you are here! I am offering a nutrition support group with coaching via Zoom two times a month. We live in a world where having a healthy gut and brain is essential for a great quality of life–and for most it can be achieved through diet and lifestyle. The science of nutrition is cha...
Balanced Hormones Is So EssentialIn today’s world, we are being bombarded with so many environmental toxins as well as dealing with many stresses in our every day life. It is essential to have balanced hormones for good health. Stress alone can greatly throw your hormones out of whack. Are you predominantly using your sym...
Dr. Tom O’Bryan: The Autoimmune FixDr. Thomas O’Bryan is an internationally recognized and sought-after speaker and workshop leader specializing in wheat, its impact on health, and the development of autoimmune diseases as they occur inside and outside of the intestines. Dr. O’Bryan is considered a ‘Sherlock Holmes’ for chr...
The Mind-Gut Connection: Are you listening?There is much information coming forth regarding the microbiome (our gut) and its intimate relationship with the brain. We now understand that there are at least 10 Trillion microbes that live with us. Some doctors are starting to more fully understand the communication that happens between the b...
Leaky Gut: Is it Becoming an Epidemic?Leaky gut is a condition that causes many health problems, yet it’s rarely talked about in the media or in doctors’ offices. As a matter of fact, many people have this condition but have no clue! Here’s a look at what leaky gut is, how it occurs and what you can do to create a healthy...
Dr. Jill Carnahan: Healing Your Gut and Autoimmune DiseaseWhat has changed over the last 20 years with our food? Why is there an epidemic of gut-related diseases? Did you know that autoimmune disease is the 4th leading cause of death in this country? Why didn’t our grandparents have gluten intolerance or the amount of allergies we are seeing these...