US Court Says No to QR Codes for GMO LabelingFor more than 10 years, many of us have been working on getting GMO’s labeled so consumers could know what they were buying or consuming. It has been an uphill battle but during those 10 years consumer awareness has been greatly raised about GMOs, and their accompanying pesticides and herbi...
Impossible Burgers in Our Schools? Say NO!Just recently Impossible Foods got the go ahead that would allow their Impossible Burger in our schools. Please say NO and here is why.The ProblemsFood Integrity Now spoke with Jaydee Hanson, Policy Director from the Center For Food Safety, about what is in the Impossible Burger and all the reaso...
Moms attend Monsanto Shareholders MeetingThere were lies and more lies from one of the biggest bully corporations of today, Monsanto. Today was Monsanto’s Annual Shareholders’Meeting in St. Louis. Zen Honeycut and Anne Temple from Moms Across America had an opportunity, through proxies, to attend that meeting and to speak up...
Oprah and O Magazine, Drop Your Monsanto AdWe are petitioning Oprah to drop the Monsanto advertisement in O Magazine. Please sign the Petition and share everywhere: Sign Petition here. To Oprah, from the many who have learned from you, been inspired by you to aim higher, try harder and to strive to be the best version of ourselves. You ha...
Pamm Larry: Initiator of Prop 37, Makes a Call to Action on I-522 and the TPPPamm Larry, the initiator of Proposition 37 in California, takes her inspiration, knowledge and expertise to Washington to help with Initiative 522. She spoke with Food Integrity Now today about I-522 (mandatory labeling of GMOs in Washington by 2015) and the Yes on 522 campaign. This Initiative ...
News for Foodies – April 2013Subscribe now https://fintegrity.wpengine.com/2013/03/20/welcome-to-food-integrity-now/ On Wednesday, April 24, 2013, Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) and Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-Ore.) introduced Bills to the Senate and House of Representatives that would require food manufacturers to clearly label an...
GE Salmon: Is The World Ready for Frankenfish?If approved, genetically engineered salmon (“Frankenfish”) would be the first genetically engineered animal that our Federal Government has ever approved for food consumption. This decision could be a defining moment for humanity, wildlife and our planet. Colin O’Neil, Director ...
GE Salmon: Is The World Ready for Frankenfish?If approved, genetically engineered salmon (“Frankenfish”) would be the first genetically engineered animal that our Federal Government has ever approved for food consumption. This decision could be a defining moment for humanity, wildlife and our planet. Colin O’Neil, Director ...