Diana Reeves, Founder of GMO Free USA–Taking Back Control Over Our FoodWhen Diana Reeves discovered that she and her daughter had an autoimmune disease triggered by gluten and dairy, she had to find answers. This prompted her to do her research where she discovered a book by well-known author, Robyn O’Brien entitled The Unhealthy Truth, One Mother’s Shoc...
Food Integrity Now – Dave Gardner – GrowthBusters Documentary – E39
We live in a global society that measures success on economic growth. But on a planet with limited resources, is that growth sustainable? Dave Gardner, documentary filmmaker of GrowthBusters, talks to us about taking on “City Hall, Wall Street, and The Pope as he questions society’s most fundamental beliefs about prosperity.”
A major aspect of becoming a sustainable civilization is having a reliable food supply. Dave discusses how the signs are present calling for dramatic change. Will we wake up and step up to the challenge before it is too late?
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Food Integrity Now – Francis Mangels – Chemtrails – E36
Francis Mangels, former USDA scientist and featured expert in the movie What In The World Are They Spraying?, joins us to talk about the controversial topic, chemtrails. Skeptics say that chemtrails are merely persistent contrails, but the conditions for which normal contrails to persist are very rare. Is something more going on? For years, geo-engineers have discussed using high altitude aerosol spraying to mitigate the effects of global warming. They just don’t admit that they are doing it. Francis states that geo-engineering is indeed occurring, and has the evidence to back it up.
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Food Integrity Now – Larry Jacobs – Jacob Farm/Del Cabo – E34
Four years ago, Larry Jacobs, President of Jacobs Farm/Del Cabo, received an unfortunate phone call from Whole Foods. The retail giant notified him that it was rejecting the organic dill he had sold the chain because the herb had tested positive for pesticides. Jacobs’ response was “that’s not possible…I haven’t sprayed pesticides since I got sick spraying pesticides 40 years ago.” As it turns out, Jacobs’ 120-acre herb farm, just north of Santa Cruz in Wilder Ranch State Park, was the victim of a hard-to-detect but relatively simple scientific process: Pesticides applied in liquid form to nearby brussel sprouts later evaporated and were carried in vapor, through wind or fog, to Jacobs’ dill.
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Food Integrity Now – F. William Engdahl – Full Spectrum Dominance – E33In a previous episode, F. William Engdahl gave us a new perspective as he described how food has historically been used as a weapon, one made more insidiously effective with the development of genetic manipulation. In this episode, that perspective zooms out to reveal it’s place among other...
Food Integrity Now – Sally Fallon and Kristin Canty – Farmageddon – E30
Could raw milk cure asthma, allergies and other diseases? Why is the FDA conducting gestapo-type raids on small farms selling raw, unpasteurized milk and cheese? Sally Fallon of the Weston A. Price Foundation and Kristin Canty, Director of the upcoming documentary, Farmageddon, a movie that documents the FDA’s opposition to raw milk, discuss this topic with the Food Integrity Now team. In studies involving humans, raw milk was shown to be superior to pasteurized in protecting against infection, diarrhea, rickets, tooth decay and TB; and children receiving had better growth than those receiving pasteurized milk. In the early 1900s, the Mayo Clinic administered the “Milk Cure” which consisted in drinking 4-5 quarts of raw milk per day, obtaining favorable results for a range of illnesses including cancer, weight loss, kidney disease, allergies, skin problems, urinary tract problems, prostate problems and chronic fatigue; these results are not obtained using pasteurized milk. Farmageddon explores this controversial topic.
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Food Integrity Now – E29 – Mat Stein – When Technology FailsWe had so much fun with Mat Stein the first time, we had to have to him on again! Author of When Technology Fails, Mat discusses methods for producing your own food that work in harmony with nature and reap the highest yields. He also covers the best foods for long-term storage, how to store food...
Food Integrity Now – E28 – Jim Humble – Miracle Mineral SupplementCould a cure-all really exist for diseases as cancer, AIDS, lyme disease, chronic asthma, emphysema, hepatitis C and more? While on an expedition in Africa, chemist Jim Humble discovered that using a dilute solution of chlorine dioxide cured his two colleagues of malaria in 4 hours. Upon returnin...
Food Integrity Now – E27 – F. William Engdahl – Seeds of DestructionWhat is the real intent behind the genetic engineering movement? Is it to solve world hunger, pad corporate coffers? Or could it be more sinister than that? Economist F. William Engdahl, author of Seeds of Destruction: The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation, reveals startling evidence on the u...
Food Integrity Now – E26 – G. Edward Griffin and Michael Murphy – What in the World Are They Spraying?
What in the world are they spraying? What are chemtrails? Food Integrity Now asks these questions to the producers of the recently released documentary on chemtrails called, What In the World Are They Spraying? G. Edward Griffen, world-renown filmmaker and author, joins us with Michael Murphy, documentary filmmaker, journalist and political activist, to discuss chemtrails, geo-engineering and the mounds of evidence they uncovered in the creation of this documentary. This controversial topic will leave you looking up toward the skies asking, what ARE they spraying and why?
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