• Glyphosate and Cancer: More Evidence
    At Food Integritty Now, we look forward to the day when we can stop talking about Glyphosate! Unfortunately, that day hasn’t arrived yet. Glyphosate is still the most widely used herbicide in the world and if you are not eating organic, you are getting glyphoste in your body. And now there ...
  • Oxalates: Toxic Superfoods
    When I first heard of Sally Norton’s book, Toxic Superfoods, How Oxalate Overload is Making You Sick-And How to Get Better, I thought to myself, what are oxalates. I had heard the word but didn’t really know much about them. Well, I do now and can’t wait to share this informatio...
  • Unveiling Lab-Created Meat
    With its approval for sale in the US last November, lab-grown meat is being hailed in the mainstream media as a solution to global hunger while reducing the environmental impact of traditional animal farming. (Lab-grown Chicken was later approved in March). But what if it isn’t saf...
  • Having Friends of the Heart To Thrive!
    In this episode of Beyond Food Integrity, thriving Like a Guru, Rosie and I talk about friendships. We discuss the importance of having friends of the heart and how this helps us thrive!Having friends seems simple enough, but is it? We talk about some of the differences between having friends of ...
  • Gene Editing Causes Chaos In Genome of Tomatoes
    Many who follow websites like Food Integrity Now are aware of gene editing technology like CRISPR/Cas gene editing. We and others like Responsible Technology, GM Watch, Moms Across America, Sustainable Pulse and others have been warning about the danger of this technology. We have been deeply co...
  • Not Thriving? Let’s Discuss Forgiveness, Judgment and Doubt
    In our most recent chat, Rosie and I discuss forgiveness, judgment and doubt. If you are not thriving, could your block be related to forgiveness, judgment, or doubt? These energies of being unforgiving, judgmental (of ourself or others), and doubt can get in the way of having a joyful life and t...
  • Apeel: Fruit and Vegetable Coating, A Risky Endeavor
    Apeel, which is a coating that is used on fruits and vegetables, even some organic, is a risky endeavor for sure. Apeel fruit and vegetable coating was created by Apeel Sciences and was funded by the Bill and Linda Gates Foundation, which raises a red flag to begin with. We know very little about...
  • Lifespan or Healthspan?
    Longevity is certainly something that many want to achieve. A question you may want to ask yourself is “do you want to have a long lifespan or healthspan?” The definition of “lifespan,” according to the dictionary, “is the average or maximum length of time an organis...
  • Air Quality Alerts
    I am concerned and want to address the urgent air quality alerts many of us have received. I personally experienced how bad the air quality was when I recently visited Colorado. I know that many people have been directly affected by smoke. from the Canadian wildfires. I am concerned but I know th...
  • Passion and Purpose Are Keys to Thriving
    Most of us want a joyful life! Passion and purpose are keys to thriving and creating that life. By this we mean that passion and a resonance of something greater than just everyday living–feeling like you can’t wait to get out of bed and greet all of the new opportunities to experience pass...

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