• Dr. Stephanie Seneff: The Glyphosate (RoundUp) Autism Connection
    Dr. Stephanie Seneff, Senior Research Scientist at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, predicts that by the year 2025 that half the children born will be diagnosed with Autism. Today, Food Integrity Now, talked with Dr. Seneff about the reasons why she believes th...
  • Our Children Are Being Poisoned: It’s Time for A New Resistance
    What if you were unknowingly poisoning your child? What if that poison was coming through your own body? When you found out, would you be outraged and angry? Glyphosate (the active ingredient in RoundUp), has been found in breast milk! It is not only been found in breast milk, it is in our w...
  • Poison Spring: The Secret History of Pollution and The EPA
    E.G. Vallianatos worked for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for 25 years and saw things from the inside. What he learned about this agency, whose mission is “to protect human health and the environment,” is unconscionable. E.G. spoke with me this week and shared the factual ...
  • They Can’t Silence this Scientist: Tyrone Hayes, Atrazine Whistleblower
    Atrazine is the second most widely used herbicide in the world, only second to Glyphosate (the active ingredient in RoundUp). Why is Atrazine banned by in Europe but our Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) says it is safe? On our show today, we spoke with Atrazine whistleblower, Professor Tyron...
  • Seralini Study Republished: GMOs and Roundup Cause Serious Health Issues
    Food Integrity Now spoke with Prof.  Gilles-Eric Séralini, Professor of Molecular Biology at the University of Caen, and the President of its scientific council of CRIIGEN (Committee For Research and Independent Information for Genetic Engineering). He was the team leader on the longest and most ...
  • Moms Take on the EPA–Demand Glyphosate Recall
    Moms Across America have an important message to tell the EPA and it was delivered to them on Tuesday! Their message: Glyphosate (RoundUp), a powerful herbicide, antibiotic and mineral chelator, must be recalled immediately because of its risk to human health. Last Tuesday, Moms Across America an...
  • Dr. Thierry Vrain, Former Pro-GMO Scientist, Speaks Up
    Dr. Thierry Vrain, former genetic engineer and soil biologist with Agriculture Canada, spoke with us today about his concerns with genetically engineered crops (GMOs) and more importantly, the use of Glyphosate (RoundUp). Dr. Vrain’s background in the field of genetic engineering (for 30 ye...
  • William Engdahl on GMOs: The Lies and Long History of the Poisoning of Humanity
    How have we gotten to where we are now with 85% of all of our food in our mainstream grocery stores genetically modified? This just didn’t happen over night, it was well planned. Food Integrity Now spoke with F. William Engdahl, a researcher, economist, analyst, columnist and author. He has...
  • Howard Vlieger: Student of the Soil on GMOs, Soil and Glyphosate
    Howard Vlieger is a third generation family farmer and has been a student of the soil since 1989 and a crop nutrition advisor since 1982. He has worked with crop and livestock producers all over the country and in Canada. Vlieger has also worked with some of the best scientist in the world in his...
  • News for Foodies – April 2013
    Subscribe now https://fintegrity.wpengine.com/2013/03/20/welcome-to-food-integrity-now/ On Wednesday, April 24, 2013, Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) and Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-Ore.) introduced Bills to the Senate and House of Representatives that would require food manufacturers to clearly label an...

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