• US Court Says No to QR Codes for GMO Labeling
    For more than 10 years, many of us have been working on getting GMO’s labeled so consumers could know what they were buying or consuming. It has been an uphill battle but during those 10 years consumer awareness has been greatly raised about GMOs, and their accompanying pesticides and herbi...
  • Shining Light on the DARK Act
    In July this year, the U.S. House of Representatives passed HR 1599, a bill we call the DARK Act (Denying American’s the Right to Know) because it would deny voters the right to pass state bills to label genetically engineered foods (GMOs) and make mandatory labeling at the federal level impossib...
  • Moms Take on the EPA–Demand Glyphosate Recall
    Moms Across America have an important message to tell the EPA and it was delivered to them on Tuesday! Their message: Glyphosate (RoundUp), a powerful herbicide, antibiotic and mineral chelator, must be recalled immediately because of its risk to human health. Last Tuesday, Moms Across America an...
  • The People of Washington State vs.The Big Food Industry: GMO Labeling with WA Senator Maralyn Chase and I-522’s Carin Chase
    The big food industry is lying about Washington State’s I-522 GMO labeling issue. What else are they lying about? Washington State Initiative 522, which is the initiative for mandatory labeling of GMOs is being voted on now. Food Integrity Now spoke with Washington State Senator Maralyn Cha...
  • Pamm Larry: Initiator of Prop 37, Makes a Call to Action on I-522 and the TPP
    Pamm Larry, the initiator of Proposition 37 in California, takes her inspiration, knowledge and expertise to Washington to help with Initiative 522. She spoke with Food Integrity Now today about I-522 (mandatory labeling of GMOs in Washington by 2015) and the Yes on 522 campaign. This Initiative ...
  • Diana Reeves, Founder of GMO Free USA–Taking Back Control Over Our Food
    When Diana Reeves discovered that she and her daughter had an autoimmune disease triggered by gluten and dairy, she had to find answers. This prompted her to do her research where she discovered a book by well-known author, Robyn O’Brien entitled The Unhealthy Truth, One Mother’s Shoc...

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