• Earth Detox A Critical Choice
    Food Integrity spoke with Julian Cribb, author of Earth Detox, How and Why We Must Clean up the Planet. I feel like this is one of the most important interviews I have done and books I have read and so relevant for our times. To put it bluntly–Earth Detox is a critical choice. His well res...
  • Cornucopia Institute on Animal Welfare
    I spoke with Kestrel Burcham, Policy Director at The Cornucopia Institute, about animal welfare and what is happening with the Organic Livestock and Poultry Standards (OLPS) ruling which is coming up for approval by the USDA. The poultry industry and animal welfare standards has been an area tha...
  • Herbal Remedies For Your Health This Winter
    Food integrity Now spoke with Mari Marques, Certified Herbalist, about some of the DIY herbal remedies for creating health. Marques, owner of The Thymekeeper in Florissant, Colorado, offered practical ways you can use herbs, some of which you may already have in your home, to make teas, steams a...
  • The Virus and the Host
    We live in a time when it has never been more important to have a healthy immune system. Certainly, the last 2-1/2 years has taught us this. There will undoubtedly be more pandemics in the future. Did anyone notice that not one single major public health official took the step to tell us what we...
  • Harmonic Biome: Creating Balance in our Microbiome
    I spoke with Lance Leonard, co-founder of New Phoenix Rising, about Harmonic Biome and creating balance in our microbiome. Lance talked about why Harmonic Biome is so different than the other products sold for healing the gut. Harmonic Biome is made from mint, slippery elm, and garlic–but ...
  • The Neighborhood Food Network is You
    I spoke with Zen Honeycutt today of the Neighborhood Food Network, an initiative she and a few others started because they saw the need for us to start growing food, eating local, sharing food and to create community. Given the climate we are in with looming food shortages, this is a great way t...
  • Healing Grounds, Climate, Justice, and the Deep Roots of Regenerative Farming
    Liz Carlisle is no stranger to studying regenerative agriculture, food and farm policy, and incentivizing soil health practices and supporting new entry farmers. That being said, what she writes about in her latest book, Healing Grounds, Climate, Justice, and the Deep Roots of Regenerative Farmi...
  • Super Gut
    The ancient bacteria that has kept our gut in alignment and our digestion easy have been dying off and replaced by harmful microbes that don’t serve to keep us physically healthy and mentally fit. Nine years ago, I interviewed Dr. William Davis, author of Wheat Belly, which was a breakthro...
  • Dr. David Perlmutter: Drop Acid
    What do obesity, diabetes, fatty liver disease, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, stroke, neurological disorder, and pre-mature death have in common? All can be stoked by high uric acid levels. In my interview with Dr. David Perlmutter about his newest book, Drop Acid, The Surprising New Sci...
  • Parasites and Detoxing with Dr. Linda
    I spoke with Dr. Linda Lancaster, Naturopathic and Homeopathic Physician about her book, Harmonic Healing. During our chat, Dr. Linda talked about how parasites can be the underlying cause of many dis-eases in the body. She explained how nothing in health is ever purely physical. If we have attr...