• Unveiling Lab-Created Meat
    With its approval for sale in the US last November, lab-grown meat is being hailed in the mainstream media as a solution to global hunger while reducing the environmental impact of traditional animal farming. (Lab-grown Chicken was later approved in March). But what if it isn’t sa...
  • Apeel: Fruit and Vegetable Coating, A Risky Endeavor
    Apeel, which is a coating that is used on fruits and vegetables, even some organic, is a risky endeavor for sure. Apeel fruit and vegetable coating was created by Apeel Sciences and was funded by the Bill and Linda Gates Foundation, which raises a red flag to begin with. We know very little abou...
  • Lifespan or Healthspan?
    Longevity is certainly something that many want to achieve. A question you may want to ask yourself is “do you want to have a long lifespan or healthspan?” The definition of “lifespan,” according to the dictionary, “is the average or maximum length of time an organi...
  • Childhood Exposure to Glyphosate Linked to Liver Inflammation and Metabolic Disorder
    This article first appeared in Sustainable Pulse. New research from the UC Berkeley School of Public Health in the U.S. shows that childhood exposure to the world’s most widely used weed killer, glyphosate, is linked to liver inflammation and metabolic disorder in early adulthood, which could le...
  • Food and Mood
    In this week’s discussion, Rosie and I talk about food and mood. Some foods can make us feel happy or so we may think. (Discussion here). Comfort food, for example, may provide us with temporary comfort but may not always make us feel well in the long run.  Those “comfort foods” may c...
  • Dilemmas of Aging
    Many people as they age are contemplating the dilemmas of aging. In our chat today, Rosie and I discuss some of those dilemmas and how we have a choice in how we age. After all, we are all aging, aren’t we? The other day, a friend of Rosie’s shared this with her: “I’ve not intentionally eaten...
  • What Your Food Ate
    The root of good health starts on farms. I spoke with Anne Biklé and David R. Montgomery, authors of What Your Food Ate about the science and research behind their latest book. What Your Food Ate, How To Heal Our Land And Reclaim Our Health highlights evidence from recent science to forgotten sc...
  • Have You Priced The Cost Of Illness?
    Many people who are on limited incomes resist buying organics, because of the expense. And, because there is some controversial content disputing the benefits of organic foods, it can be confusing.  Some people just can’t decide and then fall back on hoping for the best while fearing the wo...
  • Eating Like Your Life Depends On It
    My life work is educating about toxins and chemicals in our food supply and offering solutions on how to create a healthy life where you can thrive. I recently spoke at the Health and Homesteading Conference in Southern California about eating like your life depends on it. Because it does! In...
  • Health and Homesteading
    Today I spoke with Dr. Chris Boman, holistic chiropractor, father, author, and homesteader. Homesteading has grown exponentially over the last couple of years with many people wanting to know more about where their food comes from and to be part of that process. Dr. Boman shares with us how he g...

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