Your Pet May Be At Risk for Pet CancerDid you know… In the 1970’s Golden Retrievers on average would live to be 17 years old. NOW they average only 9 years… Just 50 years ago only 1 in 100 dogs got cancer. NOW, it’s 1 in 1.65 dogs that will be diagnosed with cancer this year… Cancer is the leading cause of death among cat...
Action Needed Now: Tell EPA to Ban Cancer-Linked GlyphosateThe active ingredient in RoundUp is glyphosate. It is the most heavily used weed killer in history. In a paper, published Feb. 2, 2016 in the peer-reviewed journal Environmental Sciences Europe, reports that to date 18.9 billion pounds (8.6 billion kilograms) of glyphosate have been used globall...
Dr. Don Huber: What We Know About Glyphosate and GMOsDr. Don Huber, Professor Emeritus, Plant Pathology, Purdue University, is one of the leading experts in the world on Glyphosate and GMOs and how they effect the environment and human health. I spoke with Dr. Huber this week, and he shared some of the latest information regarding Glyphosate and G...
What’s Making Our Children Sick?Chronic disorders among American children have reached epidemic levels. Hundreds of thousands of parents are desperately seeking solutions to their children’s declining health. What is making our children sick? Food Integrity Now spoke with Dr. Michelle Perro, Pediatrician and co-author of ...
WHITEWASH, The Story of a Weed Killer, Cancer and the Corruption of ScienceSince the mid-1990’s, there has been a debate in the United States and abroad about the safety of genetically engineered crops–for humans, the environment and for animals. At Food Integrity Now we have covered this through many articles and interviews over the past 7-1/2 years. This ...
Poison For DinnerGMOs ARE POISON. People and animals that eat genetically modified food crops are consuming high levels of the toxic glyphosate herbicide. If you’re not familiar with GMOs, this is a process by which genes are taken from one plant or animal and forced artificially into the DNA of another pla...
GE Alfalfa: Lots of ActivismPat Trask is a fourth generation rancher following in the inspiring footsteps of his ancestors while also making a name for himself as a father, rancher and activist. Over the past 10 plus years he’s been working to keep genetically engineered Roundup Ready alfalfa (“GE Alfalfa”) from...
Moms attend Monsanto Shareholders MeetingThere were lies and more lies from one of the biggest bully corporations of today, Monsanto. Today was Monsanto’s Annual Shareholders’Meeting in St. Louis. Zen Honeycut and Anne Temple from Moms Across America had an opportunity, through proxies, to attend that meeting and to speak up...
Webinar Replay: How NOT to get Sick This WinterMany people get colds or the flu during the winter months. You can take specific steps to increase your immune system NOW so you do NOT get sick this winter. In this 35-minute webinar (listen here), you will learn: Specific steps to increase your physical immune system so you don’t get sic...
Webinar Replay – Getting the Most Nutrition from Your Veggies and FruitListen to the replay here of Food Integrity Now’s webinar “Are You a Healthy Eater and Still Getting Sick? Did you know? Blueberries are more nutrient dense when cooked. Letting your garlic rest after chopping for 10 minutes before adding to heat greatly increases the nutrition. Red ...