• Your Health is My Business
    This time of year is a great time to reflect on all of our blessings and a reminder to have gratitude for our health and wellness, friendship, community, family, nature and so much more. At Food Integrity Now, we have been focusing on offering health and wellness education for almost 15 years! Yo...
  • Jeffrey Smith is Sounding the Alarm on GMO 2.0
    Jeffrey Smith, Founder and Executive Director of Institute for Responsible Technology, is the most knowledgeable person on the planet about GMOs. His 27-year career of educating about the dangers of GMOs is so impressive–as he was one of the first to educate us about GMOs and their effect o...
  • International Glyphosate Study Shows Likely Cause of Explosion in Childhood Leukemia
    Moms Across America resently tested the top 20 fast food brands, plus 1 California-based restaurant, In-N-Out Burger, for glyphosate, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, heavy metals, minerals and calories. The results were abysmal and you can learn more about the results here. The testing showed that 1...
  • Zen Honeycutt Reports: Alarming Results of Testing of the Top 20 Fast Food Brands
    Zen Honeycutt, founder of Moms Across America, reports on testing of the top 20 fast food brands, and the popular West Coast eatery, In-N-Out Burger. The results are abysmal to say the least! Check out the shocking reports which should be a wake-up call to many as to what they are eating or feedi...
  • GMO 2.0 Gene Editing
    Many people many be unaware of GMO 2.0 and gene editing. Food Integrity Now recently attended the National Heirloom Expo in Ventura, CA. One of the speakers, Jeffrey Smith, Founder and Executive Director of The Institute for Responsible Technology, did an excellent talk and presentation on GMO 2...
  • Oxalates: Toxic Superfoods
    When I first heard of Sally Norton’s book, Toxic Superfoods, How Oxalate Overload is Making You Sick-And How to Get Better, I thought to myself, what are oxalates. I had heard the word but didn’t really know much about them. Well, I do now and can’t wait to share this informatio...
  • Childhood Exposure to Glyphosate Linked to Liver Inflammation and Metabolic Disorder
    This article first appeared in Sustainable Pulse. New research from the UC Berkeley School of Public Health in the U.S. shows that childhood exposure to the world’s most widely used weed killer, glyphosate, is linked to liver inflammation and metabolic disorder in early adulthood, which could lea...
  • Eating Like Your Life Depends On It
    My life work is educating about toxins and chemicals in our food supply and offering solutions on how to create a healthy life where you can thrive. I recently spoke at the Health and Homesteading Conference in Southern California about eating like your life depends on it. Because it does!In this...
  • Cornucopia Institute on Animal Welfare
    I spoke with Kestrel Burcham, Policy Director at The Cornucopia Institute, about animal welfare and what is happening with the Organic Livestock and Poultry Standards (OLPS) ruling which is coming up for approval by the USDA. The poultry industry and animal welfare standards has been an area that...
  • Unique Study Shows Glyphosate and Roundup Disrupt Human Gut Bacteria
    Both glyphosate and Roundup disturbed the gut microbiome in a study conducted in a simulated human digestive tract, but some of the changes were reversed with a probiotic formulation. This is the first study to prove that glyphosate and Roundup disrupt the human gut microbiome.MethodsThe study lo...

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