• The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby & Childcare
    What if the advice given by doctors or caregivers wasn’t nourishing you, your unborn child or developing toddler with the beneficial nutrients needed for a strong immune system and a healthy start to life?   Sally Fallon Morell, President of the Weston A. Price Foundation, author of th...
  • Whales and Dolphins: Will Humanity Put a Stop to This Madness?
    Did you know that the Department of Defense has given the U.S. Navy permission to cover 70% of our oceans with their sonar system? What does this mean for the whales, dolphins and other cetaceans? Lyndia and Lance Leonard have taken this issue on to assist our friends of the sea. Through the mili...
  • GE Salmon: Is The World Ready for Frankenfish?
    If approved, genetically engineered salmon (“Frankenfish”) would be the first genetically engineered animal that our Federal Government has ever approved for food consumption. This decision could be a defining moment for humanity, wildlife and our planet. Colin O’Neil, Director ...
  • Wheat Belly by Dr. William Davis
    What if eating a low-fat, whole grain diet to prevent or heal heart disease, which is advocated by the American Heart Association, is a lie? What if eating whole grains is the reason why you are overweight, have heart disease or diabetes? Dr. William Davis, Cardiologist and author of the New York...
  • The Mystic Cookbook: The Secret Alchemy of Food
    When you first pick up The Mystic Cookbook, you notice how incredibly beautiful it is. Then, as you start reading and going through the pages, your realize this is way more than a cookbook, it’s a way of living and a way of enjoying life! Co-Author, Meadow Linn talked with us today about cr...
  • Diana Reeves, Founder of GMO Free USA–Taking Back Control Over Our Food
    When Diana Reeves discovered that she and her daughter had an autoimmune disease triggered by gluten and dairy, she had to find answers. This prompted her to do her research where she discovered a book by well-known author, Robyn O’Brien entitled The Unhealthy Truth, One Mother’s Shoc...
  • Imported Seafood–A Risky Choice. Where is the FDA?
    The next time you go to purchase some tilapia or shrimp or eat seafood at a restaurant, you might want to consider where it came from. Nearly all the seafood in the United States is imported from countries like Vietnam and China. So what’s the problem? It’s imported into this country ...
  • Healthy Bones without Fosamax® Please!
    When former Wall Streeter, Irma Jennings, was diagnosed with Osteopenia, her doctor instantly reached for his prescription pad. Jennings knew that Fosamax® was not going to be the way for her. This diagnosis catapulted her into a journey of dedicated study, beginning at the Institute for Integrat...
  • Real Dirt: Confessions of a Reforming Industrial Farmer
    Real Dirt: Confessions of a Reforming Industrial Farmer is the first book to tackle the choices from the perspective of a farmer who has been both a conventional farmer and a certified organic farmer. It is an exploration of the decisions and issues faced by Harry Stoddart as he transformed his f...
  • Geoengineering: A Dire Threat to the Planet

     Have you looked up into the skies lately? It may be wise to do so. Dane Wigington has an extensive background in solar engineering and was a former employee of Bechtel Power Corp. He has devoted the last ten years of his life studying climate change, weather modification and geoengineering. He is the lead researcher for geoengineeringwatch.org. He assisted Michael Murphy in both of his movies, “What in the World are They Spraying?” and “Why in the World are They Spraying?” Wigington shares the latest information about what many refer to as “chemtrails.”  He and many others conclude that the spraying of chemicals into our atmosphere is causing a cataclysmic effect on our planet. His message is one of urgency and as he says, of “dire” importance. Wigington also talks about the reasons why this wide-scale operation is being carried out and how the overwhelming amount of scientific evidence will soon expose those perpetrating this crime against humanity. Be open–listen up and decide for yourself!