• Carol Grieve’ and Food Integrity Now Wins Cheers to Change Makers Award
    Applegate sponsored a National contest and award for people making a difference in the food community. We are proud to have been one of the five to win this award. The other winners need to be acknowledged and they are: Tina Koral of The Gardenworks Project,  Simone Bernstein of Volunteennation, ...
  • Food Integrity Now in 2014
    Happy New Year from Food Integrity Now. We are starting our year off with some great guests.  In January, we will talk with Joel Salatin about his upcoming documentary, Polyface Farms, which is a model farm for sustainability and Dr. David Perlmutter will be joining us to talk about his best-sell...
  • `Tis the Season:You Don’t Have to Catch a Cold or the Flu!
    We have discussed the importance of avoiding GMOs and eating organic foods on many of our shows. This week, I have invited David Armstrong, M.Ac. (Acupuncturist), of Listening Heart Medicines to co-author this article with me on the importance of building a healthy immune system. This is an extr...
  • Health Alert: Radiation–It hasn’t just gone away!
    HEALTH ALERT by guest blogger, Linda Masterson, April 2, 2013 THE SITUATION: Hawaii, Alaska and the US West Coast, especially, but the entire Northern Hemisphere in actuality, are being exposed to high doses of radiation from the ongoing Fukushima Daichi situation in Japan. EFFECTS ON HUMANS: Th...
    Welcome to the Food Integrity Now family! We are thrilled that you have taken the initiative to join us. Thank you for your dedication to the food justice and food integrity movement.  We envision a healthy and sustainable world, with nourishing food where our body, mind and spirit can thrive. If...
  • A Victory for the Dolphins and Whales of the California Coast!
    Today, the California Coastal Commission said “NO” to the Navy and their plan to deploy bombs and sonar sound off the Coastline that would likely injure, maim or kill millions of cetaceans over the next 5 years.   The Commission said that the Navy’s position is inadequate and unsupported by...
  • Valentine Book Giveaway-The Mystic Cookbook: The Secret Alchemy of Food
    Are you ready to tap into the secret alchemy of food and become a Mystic Chef? Join Food Integrity Now and this mystical journey to connect with the sacred energy stored in our food. Learn how to connect with the intention that you infuse in your food as you prepare to nourish yourself and your l...
  • Massive Honeybee Die-Off in California
    Nearly a million honeybees lost–pesticides are suspected to be the cause. Last October, amateur beekeeper, Carrie Kappel, called the SBBA (Santa Barbara Beekeepers Association) when she saw hundreds of dead and dying bees outside her beehive in her backyard. “It was devastating to see...
  • Monsanto Wins Dismissal of Patent Lawsuit, Farmers Plan Appeal
    Image courtesy OSGATA Monsanto and its shareholders can temporarily rejoice. The multinational seed conglomerate won a dismissal of a class-action lawsuit challenging the company’s patents on genetically modified seed. Monsanto is known for aggressively filing lawsuits against small farmer...
  • The Farmers vs. Monsanto
    Citizen’s Assembly. Courtesy of Simran Sethi The GMO debate continues to grow as the issue received national attention last week in a packed federal courtroom in Manhattan. Farmers filed a a class-action suit against the multinational seed and chemical corporation Monsanto, stating they are no lo...