• Arsenic in RoundUp. It’s Not Just the Glyphosate.
    We know that glyphosate the active ingredient in RoundUp, and the many other glyphosate-based herbicides, have been found to have many detrimental health effects to humans, animals, and the environment. What happens when you throw arsenic and other heavy metals into that mixture? Professor Gilles...
  • You Can Fix Your Brain
    Carol Grieve’ of Food Integrity Now spoke with Dr. Tom O’Bryan, author of The Autoimmune Fix and the new book, “You Can Fix Your Brain, Just 1 Hour a Week to the Best Memory, Productivity, and Sleep, You’ve Ever Had.” Dr. O’Bryan offers so much useful informati...
  • The “Real” Truth About Coconut Oil
    You may have seen this in the news about coconut oil. Dr. Karin Michels, a professor at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and Director of the Institute for Prevention and Tumour Epidemiology at the University of Freiburg in Germany, went on record to label coconut oil “one of the wors...
  • Lab-Based Meat, What Is It?
    How many of you have seen “The Impossible Burger” on the menu at your local restaurant? What is it and is this lab-based meat safe to eat? Food Integrity Now wanted to find out. Friends of the Earth provided us with this article that we feel is important for you to know about so that ...
  • Trial of The Century: Johnson v. Monsanto
    Monday, July 9, 2018 in the San Francisco County Superior Court, opening arguments were presented in the Johnson v. Monsanto trial. Dewayne “Lee” Johnson, 46, a former groundskeeper for the Benicia Unified School District, is accusing Monsanto of hiding evidence over the past two decades that gly...
  • Tell USDA We Want Real GMO Labels: Deadline July 3
    DEADLINE JULY 3: Tell the USDA Consumers Want Real GMO Labels Do these suggested labels look something that would warn people about a toxic food ingredient? This is what the proposed labels for GMO foods will look like if we allow it. This is what our USDA is proposing for how food companie...
  • Zen Honeycutt: Unstoppable
    Zen Honeycutt, founder and director of Moms Across America is Unstoppable! I spoke with Zen today about her new book, Unstoppable, Transforming Sickness and Struggle into Triumph, Empowerment, and a Celebration of Community. This book is a labor of love and written in a way that many families wil...
  • Dr. Lorrin Pang: Human Experimentation
    Food Integrity Now has done many interviews and articles on the ill-health effects and environmental issues caused by GMOs, glyphosate and other toxic chemicals. Today, I spoke with Dr. Lorrin Pang who offered a different prospective about the use of the many pesticide that are being sprayed (85 ...
  • Action Needed Now: Tell EPA to Ban Cancer-Linked Glyphosate
    The active ingredient in RoundUp is glyphosate. It is the most heavily used weed killer in history.  In a paper, published Feb. 2, 2016 in the peer-reviewed journal Environmental Sciences Europe, reports that to date 18.9 billion pounds (8.6 billion kilograms) of glyphosate have been used globall...
  • Dr. Dale Bredesen: The End of Alzheimer’s
    Food Integrity Now spoke with Dr. Dale Bredesen, CEO and Founding Partner of the Buck Institute. He is one of the leading experts on Alzheimer’s disease and the author of The End of Alzheimer’s: The First Program to Prevent and Reverse Cognitive Decline .  Dr. Bredesen’s book ha...

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