WELCOME!Welcome to the Food Integrity Now family! We are thrilled that you have taken the initiative to join us. Thank you for your dedication to the food justice and food integrity movement. We envision a healthy and sustainable world, with nourishing food where our body, mind and spirit can thrive. If...
Bet the Farm: How Food Stopped Being Food by Frederick KaufmanWhy can’t delicious, inexpensive and healthy food be available to everyone? What does the financialization of food have to do with world hunger? How has food stopped being food and what does the Chicago Mercantile Exchange have to do with this question? Frederick Kaufman’s innovative ...
Diana Reeves, Founder of GMO Free USA–Taking Back Control Over Our FoodWhen Diana Reeves discovered that she and her daughter had an autoimmune disease triggered by gluten and dairy, she had to find answers. This prompted her to do her research where she discovered a book by well-known author, Robyn O’Brien entitled The Unhealthy Truth, One Mother’s Shoc...
Dr. Cathie Lippman discusses Prop 37 and GMOsMany Americans feel that Proposition 37 (mandatory labelling of genetically engineered foods “GMOs” in California) is one of the most important issues on the ballot. Dr. Cathie Lippmann, medical doctor, Board Certified Psychiatrist and Founder of the Lippmann Center for Optimal Health...
NuVal Nutritional Rating System: NoVal to FoodiesA few months ago, I started noticing something in my local grocery store in Colorado, called NuVal. The store is a King Super chain owned by Kroger. Being the foodie that I am, I was very curious about NuVal, which is a newly contrived system for relaying nutritional information about food to con...
Eric Herm, Son of a Farmer, Child of the Earth – E53
Eric Herm grew up on a cotton farm near Ackerly, Texas. He left the farm to pursue other interests, traveling to various places across the world before returning to his roots. Upon arriving back on his family farm, he noticed many changes in not only the landscape but the methods of commercial agriculture that were causing more long-term problems. He began searching for answers to these problems, slowly discovering healthier organic methods which provided the inspiration for his book, Son of a Farmer, Child of the Earth.
Food Integrity Now – E27 – F. William Engdahl – Seeds of DestructionWhat is the real intent behind the genetic engineering movement? Is it to solve world hunger, pad corporate coffers? Or could it be more sinister than that? Economist F. William Engdahl, author of Seeds of Destruction: The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation, reveals startling evidence on the u...
Food Integrity Now – E02 – Big CornCorn is in 70% of food products in the US today. At least 73% of it is genetically modified. Why should you care? In this episode, we discuss: Recent studies indicating infertility and organ damage caused by GM Corn Cross-contamination of fields and the legal strong-arming by Monsanto. The inter...