• Obesity, The Big Picture of Profit
    By Mary ChantlerIn the United States, we are facing many epidemics when it comes to the state of our health. It can be a pretty bleak picture when you look right at it. About 74% of adults are obese or overweight. About 14.7 million children from the ages of 2-19 suffer from obesity in the U.S. T...
  • Invest in Your Health, Not Stuff
    This time of year we are inundated by companies that want to sell us stuff, much of it we don’t really need. Think about how many times in our lives that we have felt we had to have something. How long after buying something did we either feel buyer’s remorse or the product did not re...
  • Lifespan or Healthspan?
    Longevity is certainly something that many want to achieve. A question you may want to ask yourself is “do you want to have a long lifespan or healthspan?” The definition of “lifespan,” according to the dictionary, “is the average or maximum length of time an organis...
  • Passion and Purpose Are Keys to Thriving
    Most of us want a joyful life! Passion and purpose are keys to thriving and creating that life. By this we mean that passion and a resonance of something greater than just everyday living–feeling like you can’t wait to get out of bed and greet all of the new opportunities to experience pass...
  • Feeling Grateful Can Grow Our Capacity to Thrive
    In this Episode, Rosie and I discuss the importance of feeling grateful and how feeling grateful can grow our capacity to thrive. We are not talking about just feeling grateful when something “really good” happens, we’re talking about being grateful in the NOW! Feeling grateful for everything we ...
  • Is Your Gut/Brain Ready for Fall?
    On Wednesday, August 3, at 5:30pm PT, the Nutrition Support Group will be discussing tips on how to create a healthy immune system and how to maintain your gut/brain health. As we know, negative viruses and bacteria can create dysbiosis, which is an imbalance of the beneficial and not so benefici...
  • 12 Steps To Create Better Health
    Navigating your way through all the information to create better health can sometimes be daunting and confusing. There is so much information available from many different sources on how to create better health but is it accurate and will it work for you? That is the big question! I am offering y...
  • Nora Gedgaudas: Primal Body, Primal Mind, Beyond the Paleo Diet
    Nora Gedgaudas, CNS, CNT, is a certified nutritional therapist and neurofeedback specialist and is the author of the National best-selling book, “Primal Body, Primal Mind, Beyond the Paleo Diet for Total Health and a Longer Life”. She has studied nutritional science for over 30 years....

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