Spending a Day with Joel SalatinI had the privilege of spending the day with Joel Salatin, a third generation alternative farmer, author, and the articulate farmer who appeared in the movie, Food, Inc. Salatin is a full-time farmer at Polyface Farm in Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley and has authored nine books, four of them being ...
Tom Mueller – Extra Virginity: The Sublime and Scandalous World of Olive OilOlive oil is a very ancient oil and is a staple in many cupboards of kitchens in North America and abroad. Tom Mueller, New Yorker contributor and author of Extra Virginity: The Sublime and Scandalous World of Olive Oil, shares how many of the bottles labeled “extra-virgin olive oil”...
NuVal Nutritional Rating System: NoVal to FoodiesA few months ago, I started noticing something in my local grocery store in Colorado, called NuVal. The store is a King Super chain owned by Kroger. Being the foodie that I am, I was very curious about NuVal, which is a newly contrived system for relaying nutritional information about food to con...
June Stoyer of The Organic View: Neonicotinoids and Our Disappearing BeesWhat is happening to our bee population? How do systemic pesticides called neonicotinoids affect our bee population? June Stoyer of The Organic View discusses these questions and the fate of the bees if something does not change. In the United States, neonicotinoids, a systemic class of pesticide...
Diagnosis Cancer: One Woman’s Journey Back To HealthJana Tompkins “This can’t possibly be happening!” thought Jana Tompkins when she first felt the lump in her breast. I live a healthy lifestyle, I eat a vegetarian diet and exercise an hour every day. No one in my family has ever had breast cancer. What did I do wrong? These...
Solar Flares: How They Effect You and the EarthWhat are Solar Flares? They are brief eruptions of intense high-energy radiation from the Sun’s surface. Strong flares can interrupt electronics and they can affect you too. Jacqueline Lloyd has been studying energy and solar flares for years. Lloyd connects the dots on how solar flares af...
Austin Vickers: People v. The State of IllusionWhat if what you think to be absolutely true in your world is just an illusion? What if the reality you see is created by your limited (less than 1%) of what your mind is capable of perceiving? People v. The State of Illusion explores these questions and more. This film tells the story of Aaron ...
Is ‘Pink Slime’ In Your Beef? Who Does the FDA & USDA Really Protect?“Pink Slime” is the industry name for a product that comes from scraps of meat, often filled with pathogens, that previously was only used for dog food. Then a clever company came up with a great idea to take these meat by-products, render off the fat and then use ammonia gas (Yep, I ...
New “Ag Gag” Laws Hide Atrocities Committed on Factory FarmsRecently in Iowa and soon in Utah, laws have been passed that criminalize whistleblowers in the agriculture industry. In this week’s podcast, we talk to Matt Rice of Mercy for Animals about the recent “Ag Gag’ legislation and the atrocities that it will further enable. The new l...
Michael Murphy: Why In The World Are They Spraying?Michael Murphy’s first movie, “What In The World Are They Spraying?” has educated millions on the issue of what is being spraying into our atmosphere through geoengineering, climate remediation and weather modification. The movie is assisting many in waking up to this issue, so...