• Vani Hari: A Conversation on Food Activism, Fake Foods and her new company, TRUVANI
    I had a conversation today with fellow food activist, Vani Hari a/k/a Food Babe. We talked about food activism, what it means, and how anyone can be an activist by learning and teaching others.  She shared some of the challenges she has had over the years when she took on some of the huge corpora...
  • Dr. Don Huber: What We Know About Glyphosate and GMOs
    Dr. Don Huber, Professor Emeritus, Plant Pathology, Purdue University, is one of the leading experts in the world on Glyphosate and GMOs and how they effect the environment and human health.  I spoke with Dr. Huber this week, and he shared some of the latest information regarding Glyphosate and G...
  • Big Chicken, How Antibiotics Created Modern Agriculture
    Eighty percent of antibiotics sold in the United States do not go to human patients, but to many of our plates through pigs, cows, turkeys and chickens. As the use of antibiotics increased and became a mainstay of modern agriculture, factory farms began churning out a far less welcome commodity, ...
  • What’s Making Our Children Sick?
    Chronic disorders among American children have reached epidemic levels. Hundreds of thousands of parents are desperately seeking solutions to their children’s declining health. What is making our children sick? Food Integrity Now spoke with Dr. Michelle Perro, Pediatrician and co-author of ...
  • Let Them Eat Dirt
    We interviewed Dr. Arrieta a few years back about here book, Let Them Eat Dirt. It seems timely to discuss why building your immune system is so important today and for the rest of your life. My recommendations for having a healthy immune system are: eat organic, drink clean water, heal your micr...
  • WHITEWASH, The Story of a Weed Killer, Cancer and the Corruption of Science
    Since the mid-1990’s, there has been a debate in the United States and abroad about the safety of genetically engineered crops–for humans, the environment and for animals.  At Food Integrity Now we have covered this through many articles and interviews over the past 7-1/2 years. This ...
  • Poison For Dinner
    GMOs ARE POISON. People and animals that eat genetically modified food crops are consuming high levels of the toxic glyphosate herbicide. If you’re not familiar with GMOs, this is a process by which genes are taken from one plant or animal and forced artificially into the DNA of another pla...
  • Eating Ethically – What Does That Mean to You?
    We live in a country where we certainly have lots of food choices.  We might be labelled a vegetarian, a vegan, an omnivore, a pescatarian or other labels that denote how we choose to eat.  In my interview with Marissa Landrigan, she explores some of those food choices and what it really means to...
  • GE Alfalfa: Lots of Activism
    Pat Trask is a fourth generation rancher following in the inspiring footsteps of his ancestors while also making a name for himself as a father, rancher and activist. Over the past 10 plus years he’s been working to keep genetically engineered Roundup Ready alfalfa (“GE Alfalfa”) from...
  • Real Food Fake Food
    With so many fake foods in our supermarkets (and restaurants) it is hard to know what we are eating anymore–Parmesan cheese made from wood pulp, extra-virgin olive oil that isn’t and fish being labeled and sold that is completely fake and we the consumers are paying the price. Did you...

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