Not Thriving? Let’s Discuss Forgiveness, Judgment and DoubtIn our most recent chat, Rosie and I discuss forgiveness, judgment and doubt. If you are not thriving, could your block be related to forgiveness, judgment, or doubt? These energies of being unforgiving, judgmental (of ourself or others), and doubt can get in the way of having a joyful life and t...
Passion and Purpose Are Keys to ThrivingMost of us want a joyful life! Passion and purpose are keys to thriving and creating that life. By this we mean that passion and a resonance of something greater than just everyday living–feeling like you can’t wait to get out of bed and greet all of the new opportunities to experience pass...
What Gets In The Way of Thriving?This week Rosie and I discuss what gets in the way of thriving. Almost everyone wants to have a life where they thrive, but why aren’t most people creating that life? In our discussion we talk about some of those issues that can inhibit your ability to thrive. Rosie and I explore some of th...
Learning to Feel, A Powerful Tool to Thrive!In this Learning to Feel episode, Rosie and I explore feelings— not just emotional type feelings, but feelings as in sensing into vibrations within ourselves in relation to food, and well, everything. Everything is energy and learning to tap into the higher vibration of our surroundings can be a...
Beyond Food Integrity, Meet Carol and RosieIn this first episode of our new series, Beyond Food Integrity, thriving Life a Guru, meet Carol and Rosie,. We invite you to get to know a little bit more about your hosts, Carol Grieve’ and Dr. Rosie Kuhn and why and what we are up to.In this episode, we share how we got reacquainted after 55 y...
12 Steps To Create Better HealthNavigating your way through all the information to create better health can sometimes be daunting and confusing. There is so much information available from many different sources on how to create better health but is it accurate and will it work for you? That is the big question! I am offering y...
The Earth Diet: Healing Through FoodLiana Werner-Gray heard a pop in her neck one day while at a concert with friends. It felt like a mini explosion. There was a lump on her neck. Over the next two weeks it got bigger and harder. It reached the size of a golf ball. She determined this was more than swollen glands and went to the ho...
Hossca Harrison: The Energy and Consciousness of GMOs and FoodWhat is the consciousness of a GMO? Hossca Harrison, philosopher, mystic, teacher, medium and founder of Jonah Life Institute, shares his knowledge and wisdom as to how energy works. He spoke with Food Integrity Now about the consciousness of GMOs. He explained how the food we eat is not only af...
Diagnosis Cancer: One Woman’s Journey Back To HealthJana Tompkins “This can’t possibly be happening!” thought Jana Tompkins when she first felt the lump in her breast. I live a healthy lifestyle, I eat a vegetarian diet and exercise an hour every day. No one in my family has ever had breast cancer. What did I do wrong? These...