• Food Integrity Dining Guide: Send us your favorites!
    Food Integrity Now is in the process of creating a dining guide for the United States. We will be rating restaurants as to their food integrity, i.e. organics, non-gmo and locally sourced. We are in the process of interviewing restaurants and rating them. We will also provide some information as ...
  • Carol Grieve’ and Food Integrity Now Wins Cheers to Change Makers Award
    Applegate sponsored a National contest and award for people making a difference in the food community. We are proud to have been one of the five to win this award. The other winners need to be acknowledged and they are: Tina Koral of The Gardenworks Project,  Simone Bernstein of Volunteennation, ...
  • Beyond BPA: Is There Any Safe Plastic?
    Did you know that under U.S. law, chemicals are presumed safe until proven otherwise, and companies are rarely required to collect or disclose chemical safety data?  Food Integrity Now spoke with Mariah Blake, a reporter for Mother Jones’ Washington, D.C. office, about her recent article in...
  • Eating on the Wild Side, The Missing Link to Optimum Health
    Hippocrates said “Let food be thy medicine and let thy medicine be thy food.” Jo Robinson may just have written the prescription for having good health. Would you like to know which apple gives you the most protection against disease?Did you know that beets have nine times more nutrit...
  • The Great March For Climate Action: Coming to a Town Near You!
    Many people talk about sustainability and what we are doing to our planet through pollutants, toxic chemicals, fossil fuels and how we have created a climate crisis. Ed Fallon, and many others are taking it one step further and are actively doing something to address this important issue of clima...
  • Joel Salatin on “Polyfaces”, GMO Labeling and Taking Responsibility for our Food
    Photo credit Robinson Imagery Joel Salatin calls himself the lunatic farmer and has always been a maverick in his beliefs and movements regarding sustainable agriculture. Many remember Salatin as the innovative farmer from the award-winning film, Food, Inc. Today, Salatin spoke with us about a ne...
  • Food Integrity Now in 2014
    Happy New Year from Food Integrity Now. We are starting our year off with some great guests.  In January, we will talk with Joel Salatin about his upcoming documentary, Polyface Farms, which is a model farm for sustainability and Dr. David Perlmutter will be joining us to talk about his best-sell...
  • Seed:The Untold Story
    Did you know that in the last 100 years 94% of our seed varieties have been lost? There is a tremendous threat to our seed biodiversity by the monopolization of seeds with the majority of seeds owned and controlled by biotech companies in our world. Three chemical companies, Monsanto, DuPont and ...
  • Are Statins Really The Answer? The Great Cholesterol Myth
    Is high cholesterol really a major indicator of risk for heart disease? Could inflammation from a diet high in sugar be just as much a risk, if not more, as a predictor for heart disease? Why have fats been so villainized? Dr. Stephen Sinatra has been studying cholesterol and it’s relations...
  • `Tis the Season:You Don’t Have to Catch a Cold or the Flu!
    We have discussed the importance of avoiding GMOs and eating organic foods on many of our shows. This week, I have invited David Armstrong, M.Ac. (Acupuncturist), of Listening Heart Medicines to co-author this article with me on the importance of building a healthy immune system. This is an extr...

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