• Nora Gedgaudas: Primal Body, Primal Mind, Beyond the Paleo Diet
    Nora Gedgaudas, CNS, CNT, is a certified nutritional therapist and neurofeedback specialist and is the author of the National best-selling book, “Primal Body, Primal Mind, Beyond the Paleo Diet for Total Health and a Longer Life”. She has studied nutritional science for over 30 years....
  • Dr. Vandana Shiva: Taking Back Our Seeds, Food and Our Democracy
    Dr. Vandana Shiva, scientist, philosopher, author, environmentalist, activist and feminist who supports the movement for peace, sustainability and social justice spoke with Food Integrity Now this week. Dr. Shiva, who is trained as a physicist and also studied quantum theory, was inspired by Gand...
  • News for Foodies – April 2013
    Subscribe now https://fintegrity.wpengine.com/2013/03/20/welcome-to-food-integrity-now/ On Wednesday, April 24, 2013, Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) and Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-Ore.) introduced Bills to the Senate and House of Representatives that would require food manufacturers to clearly label an...
  • Does Milk Do The Body Good? Mark McAfee Tells the Raw Story!
    National milk advertising campaigns like “Milk Does The Body Good” and “Got Milk?” and governmental agencies have lauded the benefits of conventional pasteurized industrial milk, but many are rejecting this advice as their bodies are rejecting the milk. Why do so many people have milk allergies? ...
  • Seed Integrity Now
    Forest Shomer was saving seeds before many of us were even born! Shomer was a student in Berkley in the late 60’s and became involved in the ecology movement. From there, his passion lead him to become a student of the land and ultimately learn about seeds and seed saving. Over the next 40 ...
  • Frankenvines are here! Are you Drinking Frankenwine?
    What exactly is a Frankenvine? Did you know that there are over 150 legal chemicals that are added to wine to do everything from creating taste, texture and sight to preserving and speeding up the fermentation process? Did you know that these chemicals do not have to be labeled? Food Integrity No...
  • Health Alert: Radiation–It hasn’t just gone away!
    HEALTH ALERT by guest blogger, Linda Masterson, April 2, 2013 THE SITUATION: Hawaii, Alaska and the US West Coast, especially, but the entire Northern Hemisphere in actuality, are being exposed to high doses of radiation from the ongoing Fukushima Daichi situation in Japan. EFFECTS ON HUMANS: Th...
    Welcome to the Food Integrity Now family! We are thrilled that you have taken the initiative to join us. Thank you for your dedication to the food justice and food integrity movement.  We envision a healthy and sustainable world, with nourishing food where our body, mind and spirit can thrive. If...
  • Bet the Farm: How Food Stopped Being Food by Frederick Kaufman
    Why can’t delicious, inexpensive and healthy food be available to everyone? What does the financialization of food have to do with world hunger? How has food stopped being food and what does the Chicago Mercantile Exchange have to do with this question? Frederick Kaufman’s innovative ...
  • A Victory for the Dolphins and Whales of the California Coast!
    Today, the California Coastal Commission said “NO” to the Navy and their plan to deploy bombs and sonar sound off the Coastline that would likely injure, maim or kill millions of cetaceans over the next 5 years.   The Commission said that the Navy’s position is inadequate and unsupported by...