• Exposing the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP): This Affects Everyone
    Have you heard of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)? Many have not and that is by design!  This “free trade” agreement that would set rules on non-trade matters such as food safety and labeling, internet freedom, medicine costs, financial regulations and the environment.This secretl...
  • Vernon Hershberger: A Man Standing Up for Food Justice
    Vernon Hershberger and his family own a small family farm in Wisconsin. On June 2, 2010, when the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture showed up at his farm to inspect, he denied them access. He was within his rights. When they showed up again a week or so later with a warrant, he allowed them in....
  • Paul Frey on Organic and Biodynamic Wines, GMO Yeast, Pesticides and Nuclear Power
    Paul Frey, winemaker at Frey Vineyards, the first organic winery and maker of the first certified biodynamic wine, shares his 30 plus years of knowledge and experience in the wine business. Frey Vineyards, located in Mendocino County, California, is a family owned and operated winery and employs ...
  • Birke Baehr: Educator, Speaker, and Author of Birke On the Farm
    Many of us have seen this amazing young man’s TEDx talk about What’s Wrong with our Food System which went viral on the internet and Facebook. At only 11 years of age, Birke Baehr gave his draw-dropping speech and since that time, has never looked back. Birke, now 14 years old, shared...
  • Dr. Helen Caldicott: Radiation and Fukushima, What They Aren’t Telling You
    Dr. Helen Caldicott has devoted the past 40 years on educating the global community about the inherent risks and danger of nuclear energy and weapons. She is a physician, speaker, educator and the author of several books regarding nuclear energy. Dr. Caldicott shared with us what is happening at ...
  • Dr. Russell Blaylock on Excitotoxins, Chemtrails, Cancer, Fluoride and Vaccines
    Few doctors have engaged in the type of research that Dr. Russell Blaylock does on how our food today is affecting our brains and our bodies. Dr. Russell Blaylock, retired neurosurgeon, author, lecturer, and educator is a prolific researcher. His extensive research, which is documented on both of...
  • Food Babe: She’s Taking on Kraft and Other Big Food Corporations
    Ever think that you can’t make a difference? Vani Hari aka Food Babe may change your mind. Food Babe started blogging about food a little over two years ago and her passion, tenacity and knowledge has effected many–including big restaurant chains and their food ingredients.  Many thin...
  • Nora Gedgaudas: Primal Body, Primal Mind, Beyond the Paleo Diet
    Nora Gedgaudas, CNS, CNT, is a certified nutritional therapist and neurofeedback specialist and is the author of the National best-selling book, “Primal Body, Primal Mind, Beyond the Paleo Diet for Total Health and a Longer Life”. She has studied nutritional science for over 30 years....
  • Dr. Vandana Shiva: Taking Back Our Seeds, Food and Our Democracy
    Dr. Vandana Shiva, scientist, philosopher, author, environmentalist, activist and feminist who supports the movement for peace, sustainability and social justice spoke with Food Integrity Now this week. Dr. Shiva, who is trained as a physicist and also studied quantum theory, was inspired by Gand...
  • News for Foodies – April 2013
    Subscribe now https://fintegrity.wpengine.com/2013/03/20/welcome-to-food-integrity-now/ On Wednesday, April 24, 2013, Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) and Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-Ore.) introduced Bills to the Senate and House of Representatives that would require food manufacturers to clearly label an...